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Protecting Outdoor Workers from Wildfire Smoke

At ToxStrategies LLC, we know the best practices to shield outdoor workers from wildfire smoke exposure.

Now that we are in wildfire season, outdoor workers are at an increased risk of exposure to wildfire smoke and its hazards. The AirNow Fire and Smoke Map is a comprehensive resource for wildfire smoke and air quality information. If you have outdoor workers who are potentially exposed to wildfire smoke in California, Oregon, or Washington, regulatory compliance is required. Although other U.S. states do not have these specific regulations, employers are still required to provide a safe workplace for their employees and that includes protection from exposure to wildfire smoke. At ToxStrategies, we are knowledgeable in state-promulgated standards as well as U.S. and Canadian agency guidance on effective approaches to control wildfire smoke exposure for outdoor workers.

Services we provide:

  • On-call consulting support
  • Worker and employer training programs on wildfire smoke
  • Wildfire smoke exposure risk assessments
  • Site-specific risk mitigation plans
  • Air quality monitoring
  • PPE assessment/training
  • Regulatory updates
  • Risk management support

Please contact Stephanie Vivanco ( for information on how we can support your safety needs and protect your workers from wildfire smoke exposure.