Coal Combustion Residuals

Coal combustion residuals (CCR) are generated from the combustion of coal in producing steam for generation of electricity by electric utilities and independent power producers. In the US, CCR are regulated under various rules governing their management, recycling, groundwater monitoring for impoundments, and disposal. Recently, EPA extended the CCR rule to management of coal ash at legacy CCR surface impoundments at inactive power plants. Addressing potential cumulative impacts from CCR units near communities susceptible to disproportionate environmental impacts (referred to as “Environmental Justice” or “EJ” communities) has been identified as a priority by EPA. We have relevant experience and capabilities in the following areas:

Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment

  • Experience specific to evaluations of several CCR management units
  • Site characterization
  • Dose assessment for radioactive compounds
  • Exposure assessment
  • Metals bioaccessibility and bioavailability
  • Evaluation of toxicological data
  • Derivation of cleanup levels
  • Risk communication and stakeholder engagement

Environmental Justice and Cumulative Impact Assessment

  • Screening tools (e.g., EJScreen, EJI, Cal EnviroScreen, MA Environmental Justice Maps)
  • Fit-for-purpose design and problem formulation
  • Identification of vulnerable communities
  • Chemical and non-chemical stressor assessment
  • Epidemiological studies of community health