Food Safety and Preventive Controls

ToxStrategies’ consulting scientists have broad experience in the practical application of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) requirements for both human and animal food. Our professionals have expertise in the safety (microbial and chemical) assessment of ingredients and products, food processing validation with demonstrated success in risk assessments, and ensuring that ingredients are safe and food is produced in a safe manner. Selected examples of our consulting services include the following:

  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) program and implementation
  • Prerequisite Programs (PRP) creation and implementation
  • Food safety plan development, review, and implementation
  • Ingredient and process hazard evaluation
  • Environmental Monitoring Plan creation, evaluation, and implementation
  • State and federal product and facility registrations
  • Recall Plan creation, evaluation, and implementation
  • Food safety risk assessment, management, and communication support
  • Regulatory and scientific affairs support and agency dialogue
  • Trade association representation