Cara L. Frankenfeld, Ph.D., FACE
Supervising Epidemiologist


Phone(253) 292-2498
Address1451 Rockville Pike
Suite 250
Rockville, MD 20852




Professional Profile

Dr. Cara Frankenfeld is a Supervising Epidemiologist with a doctorate in Epidemiology and a master’s in Nutritional Science. She has a distinguished academic background that spans two decades, and has also worked in the consulting arena. With a background in epidemiology and biostatistics, she has 20 years of experience designing and conducting observational and clinical human health research studies, synthesizing evidence, and communicating scientific information to diverse audiences. Her expertise is in designing and analyzing complex data, such as microbiome, metabolome, diet, and spatial factors, as applied to chronic conditions, including cancer, cardiometabolic diseases, and overall mortality. A Senior Biostatistician and Epidemiologist (Faculty Scientist III/Full Prof) at the MaineHealth Institute for Research, she has been a Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology (F.A.C.E.) since 2014.