Sarah Rogers, M.S.
Scientist II


Address31 College Place
Suite B118
Asheville, NC 28801




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Professional Profile

Mrs. Sarah Rogers is a toxicologist in ToxStrategies’ Health Sciences practice. She has 7 years of experience in assessing the safety of, and potential risks associated with, consumer products (skin care, pesticides) and environmental exposures (endocrine disruptors, pesticides, petroleum-based contaminants). She has supported the development of toxicologically based acceptable levels of human exposure, incorporating innovative quantitative approaches, and evaluating potential remedial approaches.

Her experience in the consulting arena includes conducting safety and risk assessments for both industry and government. Mrs. Rogers has also assisted in large-scale systematic reviews, as well as smaller literature reviews for several chemicals (flavorings, constituents in tobacco and cannabis, solvents, wildlife management pesticides)—initiatives that included literature review and screening, assessment of study quality and risk of bias, data extraction and integration, hazard characterization, mode-of-action analysis, and dose-response assessment. Her skill set includes development of literature search strategies, use of literature databases (PubMed, Embase), and the use of various literature organizational databases (EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, Distiller SR), as well as USEPA’s Benchmark Dose Software.