Professional Profile
Dr. Amanda Buerger is a Senior Scientist I in ToxStrategies’ Health Sciences Practice. Her primary areas of experience include human health risk assessment and toxicology. She has provided support to a range of clients, including pharmaceutical companies, chemical manufacturers, universities, and producers of consumer products. She studies the health effects related to exposure to a wide range of chemicals including environmental contaminants like pesticides, plasticizers, industrial chemicals such as asbestos and talc, and ingredients used in consumer products like flavorants. In risk assessment, Dr. Buerger applies weight of evidence (WoE) approaches incorporating clinical, nonclinical, in vivo, in vitro, and in silico data. She utilizes new approach methodologies (NAMs) in her projects including applications such as the Organisation for Economic Coordination and Development Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) Toolbox and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Generalized Read-Across (GenRA) application. She is experienced in conducting statistical analyses using R (RStudio) and benchmark dose modeling.
Dr. Buerger has produced and contributed to a variety of products for clients including occupational exposure limit (OEL), occupational exposure banding (OEB), permissible daily exposure (PDE), and allowable daily exposure (ADE) derivation documents; U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) submissions; U.S. EPA submissions; and inhalation risk assessment courses. Dr. Buerger also has experience in providing litigation support related to pesticides, chlorine, asbestos, talc, and food flavorings.