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ToxStrategies Scientists advance understanding of cannabidiol safety data

Cannabidiol (CBD) and other hemp-derived products continue to gain attention from the FDA and consumers. A ToxStrategies team led by Dr. Rayetta Henderson is continuing work on a systematic mapping of published literature related to CBD and safety. Studies will be categorized by CBD or related substance type, route of exposure, study model, and health outcome(s) (e.g., neurological, reproductive, etc.), and classified as beneficial or adverse. A preliminary analysis of the data was presented at the 2020 Society of Toxicology annual meeting; currently the team is updating that effort by mapping data published through the end of 2020. The resulting assessment will provide an overview of the current landscape of available CBD data, as well as identify outcomes or other sub-topics that may be suitable for further research and could support future work for systemic reviews, Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) assessments, and New Dietary Ingredient Notifications (NDINs).

Read more on CBD from ToxStrategies.