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Brinkman AM*, Klaren WD*, Feifarek DJ, Hillwalker W, Jones F, Zorn KM, Ekins S. Use of a weighted scheme for the interpretation and contextualization of in vitro and in silico-derived estrogenic endpoints. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, virtual (*equal contributors), 2020.

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Zorn KM, Foil DH, Lane TR, Russo DP, Hillwalker W, Feifarek DJ, Jones F, Klaren WD, Brinkman AM, Ekins S. 2020. Machine learning models for estrogen receptor bioactivity and endocrine disruption prediction. Environ Sci Technol 54(19):12202–12213, PMID: 32857505.

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Zorn KM, Foil DH, Lane TR, Hillwalker W, Feifarek DJ, Jones F, Klaren WD, Brinkman AM, Ekins S. 2020. Comparing machine learning models for aromatase (P450 19A1). Environ Sci Technol 54(23):15546–15555, PMID: 33207874.

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Zorn KM, Foil DH, Lane TR, Hillwalker W, Feifarek DJ, Jones F, Klaren WD, Brinkman AM, Ekins S. 2020. Comparison of machine learning models for the androgen receptor. Environ Sci Technol 54(21):13690–13700, PMID: 33085465.

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Sacks NC, Everson K, Emden MR, Cyr PL, Wood DR, Raza S, Wood KA, Pokorney SD. 2020. Disparities in the management of newly diagnosed paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia for women versus men in the United States. J Am Heart Assoc 9(19):e015910.

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