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2024 (7 POSTS)

Kelsh M, Bylsma LC, Jiang X, Movva N, Sacks NC. To be an orphan disease or not to be: An evaluation of prevalence estimates for cancers near the orphan status threshold and implications for orphan drug planning. International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology, 40th Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany, August 2024.

Holt JR, Chew RF, Bunnage E, Lea I, Borghoff SJ, Sayer R, et al. Categorizing articles for environmental health systematic evidence mapping: A zero-shot machine learning approach using large language models. American Society of Cellular and Computational Toxicology Annual Meeting, Research Triangle Park, NC, October 2024.

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Seo S, Healey BE, McLin R, Sacks NC, Benson CJ, Citrome L. 2024. Impact of demographics and insurance coverage on schizophrenia treatment and healthcare resource utilization within an integrated healthcare system. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 20:1837–1848; doi: 10.2147/NDT.S473492.

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DiBiase JF, Scharnetzki E, Edelman E, Reed EK, Helbig P, Rueter J, Miesfeldt S, Frankenfeld CL, et al. 2024. Socioeconomic and urban-rural disparities in genome-matched treatment receipt and survival after genomic tumor testing. JNCI Cancer Spectr 8(5):pkae090; doi: 10.1093/jncics/pkae090. PMID: 39312685.

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Chew DS, Sacks NC, Emden MR, Cyr PL, Sherwood R, Pokorney SD. 2024. Catheter ablation for supraventricular tachycardia and health resource utilization and expenditures: A propensity-matched cohort study. Int J Cardiol 403(May 15):131831; doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2024.131831.

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Bonkowsky J, Healey B, Sacks NC, McLin R, Cyr PL, Sawyer EK, Stephen CD, et al. 2024. Burden of illness and mortality in men with adrenomyeloneuropathy: A retrospective cohort study. Orph J Rare Dis 19(1):270; doi: 10.1186/s13023-024-0326-w.

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Suh M, Movva N, Jiang X, Reichert H, Pastula ST, Sacks NC, Frankenfeld C, Fryzek JP, Simões AF. 2024. Healthcare utilization among infants covered by Medicaid and newly diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus. Open Forum Infect Dis 11(4)::ofae174; doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofae174. PMID: 38595954.

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2023 (11 POSTS)

Franklin M, Emden MR, Bauer E, Nguyen AT, Sacks N, Kawamatsu S, Kawano Y,  Mitrani-Gold FS, Joshi AV, Ju S, Preib MT. Prevalence of acute uncomplicated cystitis in Japan. Poster presentation, IDWeek, October 2023.

Franklin M, Emden MR, Kautz S, Nguyen AT, Sacks NC, Ju S, Mitrani-Gold FS, Joshi AV, Preib MT. Cost burden of patients with oral antibiotic treatment failure for uncomplicated urinary tract infection in the United States. Poster presentation, IDWeek, October 2023.

Taylor RS, Lad SP, White JL, Stauss TG, Healey BE, Sacks NC, McLin R, Patil S, Jaasma MJ, Caraway DL Petersen EA. 2023. Health care resource utilization and costs in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy treated with 10 kHz spinal cord stimulation therapy. J Manag Care Spec Pharm 29(9):1021-1029.

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Movva N, Pastula ST, Rege SV, Lewis RJ, Bylsma LC. 2023. Scoping review of employer-led research using employee health claims data. Popul Health Manag 26(5):341-352; doi: 10.1089/pop.2023.0140.

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Bonkowsky J, Healey B, Sacks NC, McLin R, Cyr PL, Sawyer EK, Stephen CD, Eichler F. Point of care analysis for men with adrenomyeloneuropathy: A retrospective study of real world data. Poster presentation, European Academy of Neurology, Budapest, Hungary, July 2023.

Bonkowsky J, Healey B, Sacks NC, McLin R, Cyr P, Sawyer E, Stephen CD, Eichler F. Healthcare utilization, burden of illness, and mortality in adults with adrenomyeloneuropathy: The case for genetic therapies. Poster presentation, American Society of Cell and Gene Therapy Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, May 2023.

Seo S, Healey B,  McLin R, Sacks N,  Benson C, Citrome L. Health disparities among patients with schizophrenia in an integrated healthcare system. Poster presentation, Psych Congress Elevate 2023, May 30-June 2, 2023.

Bonkowsky J, Healey B, Sacks NC, McLin R, Cyr P, Sawyer E, Stephen CD, Eichler F. Substantial burden of illness and mortality in men with adrenomyeloneuropathy. Poster presentation at American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, April 2023.

Minshall M, Emden M, McLin R, Kemp P, Pontenani F, Cardosi L, Sacks N. The cost of non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB) in patients with commercial insurance or Medicare coverage in the US. Poster presentation, ISPOR, April 2023.

Eichler F, Bonkowsky J, Healey B, Sacks NC, McLin R, Cyr P, Sawyer E, Stephen C. The economic impact of adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN) on direct medical costs in commercially insured US adults: A retrospective study. Poster presentation, ISPOR 27th International Meeting, Boston, MA, April 2023.

Bonkowsky J, Healey B, Sacks NC, McLin R, Cyr P, Sawyer E, Stephen C. Hospitalizations, clinical characteristics and mortality in adults with adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN): A retrospective study. Poster presentation, ISPOR 27th International Meeting, Boston, MA, April 2023.

2022 (8 POSTS)

Cardosi L, Rau R, Emdem MR, Kemp R, Minshall M, Pontenani F, Provision S, Sacks N. 2022. Healthcare resource utilization in non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB) patients with commercial insurance coverage in the US. Value in Health 25(12). Supplement. S1:S546, DOI: 10.1016/j.jval.2022.09.437, online article.

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Habib A, Sacks NC, Cool C, Durgapal S, Hughes T, Hernandez J, Phillips G. Trends in hospital admissions and readmissions for patients with MG from U.S. national research databases. Poster presentation, American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM) annual meeting, September 2022.

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