2008 (26 POSTS)

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Staskal DF, Scott LLF, Haws LC, Luksemburg WJ, Birnbaum LS, Nguyen LM, Urban JD, Williams ES, Paustenbach DJ, Harris MA. 2008. Assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ether exposures and health risks associated with consumption of southern Mississippi catfish. Environ Sci Technol 42(17):6755-6761.

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2007 (17 POSTS)

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Scott PK, Unice KM, Williams S, Panko JM. 2007. Statistical evaluation of metal concentrations as a method for identifying World Trade Center dust in buildings. Environ Forensics 8(4).

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Paustenbach DJ, Gaffney SH, Scott PK, Brown JL, Panko JM. 2007. Commentary: High background levels of urinary benzene metabolites found in a volunteer study. J Occup Environ Hyg 4:D71–D77.

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