2018 (5 POSTS)
Mihalchik AL, Rogers EN. 2018. Classes of compounds with GI tract toxicity. Chapter 13 in: Gad SC (ed), Toxicology of the Gastrointestinal Tract. CRC Press .
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Topics: Toxicology
2017 (1 POST)
Greene T, Rogers S, Franzen A , Gentry R. 2017. A critical review of the literature to conduct a toxicity assessment for oral exposure to methyl salicylate. Crit Rev Toxicol 47(2):98–120. DOI:10.1080/10408444.2016.1236071.
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Topics: Toxicology
2016 (1 POST)
Covington TR , Lumley LA, Ruark CD, Clarkson ED, Whalley CE, Gearhart JM. 2016. Modeling organophosphorus chemical warfare nerve agents: A physiologically based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PBPK-PD) model of VX. In: Worek F, Jenner J, Thiermann H (eds), Chemical Warfare Toxicology: Volume 1: Fundamental Aspects, pp. 213–263. Royal Society of Chemistry.
Topics: Toxicology
2015 (2 POSTS)
Britt JK. 2015. Properties and effects of pesticides. In: Principles of Toxicology: Environmental and Industrial Applications, 3rd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Topics: pesticides , Toxicology
Keller DA , Brennan RJ, Leach KL. 2015. Clinical and nonclinical adverse effects of kinase inhibitors. In: Urban L, Patel V, Vaz RJ (eds), Antitargets and Drug Safety, pp. 365–400. Wiley, doi: 10.1002/9783527673643.ch16.
Topics: Toxicology
2014 (3 POSTS)
Fitzgerald L, Wikoff DS. 2014. Persistent organic pollutants. In: Wexler P (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edition, vol 3. Elsevier, Inc., Academic Press, pp. 820-825.
Topics: Toxicology
Dingley KH , Ubick EA, Vogel JS, Ognibene TJ, Malfatti MA, Kulp K, Haack KW. 2014. DNA isolation and sample preparation for quantification of adduct levels by accelerator mass spectrometry. Methods Mol Biol 1105:147–157; doi: 10.1007/978-1-62703-739-6_12 . PMID: 24623226.
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Topics: spectrometry
Gadagbui B, Vincent M , Willis A. 2014. Methyl isothiocyanate. In: Wexler, P (ed), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd ed., pp. 310–313. Elsevier.
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Topics: Toxicology
2012 (3 POSTS)
Doepker CL , Maier A, Willis A, Hermansky S. 2012. Toxicology of flavors in the food industry. Chapter 7 in: Bingham E, Cohrssen B., eds., Patty’s Toxicology, sixth ed. New York: Wiley & Sons.
Topics: Food science , Toxicology
Wikoff DW, Fitzgerald L, Birnbaum L. 2012. Persistent organic pollutants: An overview. In: Schecter, A. (ed.), Dioxins and Health Including Other Persistent Organic Pollutants and Endocrine Disruptors, 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 1-35.
Topics: Toxicology
Sahmel J, Cowan DM, Panko JM , Paustenbach DJ. 2012. Future trends in risk management: Control banding and REACH. Chapter 19 in: Perkins J, Gray C. (eds). Modern Industrial Hygiene, Volume III: Control of Chemical Agents, Part IV: Risk Management. ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH, pp. 727–764.
Topics: REACH , Toxicology
2010 (3 POSTS)
Johns DO, Owens EO, Thompson CM , Sonawane B, Hattis D, Krishnan K. 2010. Physiological parameters and databases for PBPK modeling. Chapter 5 in: Quantitative Modeling in Toxicology. Krishnan K, Andersen M (eds.). Wiley, p. 107.
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Topics: modeling , PBPK
Rish W . 2010. Practical aspects of risk assessment for Brownfield development. Chapter 25 in Davis T (ed.), Brownfields, Third Edition. American Bar Association.
Topics: Environmental Science
Zhao QJ, Haber L, Kohrman-Vincent M , Nance P, Dourson M. 2010. Quantitative modeling in noncancer risk assessment. In: Krishnan K, Andersen ME (eds), Quantitative modeling in toxicology. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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Topics: Toxicology
2008 (1 POST)
Proctor D . 2008. Hexavalent chromium. In: Encyclopedia of Quantiative Risk Analysis and Assessment, Melnick E, Everitt B. (eds.). Wiley.
Topics: Hexavalent Chromium , risk assessment
2007 (6 POSTS)
Britt JK , James RC. 2007. Toxicology. In: Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. pp. 201-252.
Topics: Toxicology
Staskal DF , Birnbaum LS. 2007. Brominated flame retardants. In: Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventive Medicine, 15th edition.
Topics: flame retardants
Mowat F, Shum M, Kelsh MA . 2007. Exposure assessment in epidemiology. In: Boslaugh S (ed.), Encyclopedia of
Epidemiology. Sage Publications.
Topics: Epidemiology
Morimoto L, Kelsh MA . 2007. Biomarkers. In: Boslaugh S (ed.), Encyclopedia of Epidemiology. Sage Publications.
Topics: Epidemiology
Kelsh MA , Alexander DD. 2007. Occupational and environmental epidemiology. In: Boslaugh S (ed.), Encyclopedia of Epidemiology . Sage Publications.