Becker DS, Long ER, Proctor DM, Ginn TC. 2006. Toxicity and bioavailability of chromium in sediments associated with chromite ore processing residue. Environ Toxicol Chem. 25(10):2576–2583; doi: 10.1897/05-494R.1.
Recent studies byresearchers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Geological Survey have evaluated the toxicity of Cr in freshwater and marine sediments, primarily during laboratory studies in which clean sediments were spiked with Cr. Results of those studies showed that Cr is relatively insoluble and nontoxic when present in the trivalent form, Cr(III), rather than in the more soluble and more toxic hexavalent form, Cr(VI). The studies concluded that Cr toxicity should be low in sediments with measurable concentrations of acid‐volatile sulfide (AVS), because AVS is formed only in anoxic sediments and Cr(VI) is thermodynamically unstable under such conditions. The present study evaluates the toxicity and bioavailability of Cr in sediments associated with chromite ore processing residue (COPR). Ten stations were sampled in the Hackensack River (NJ, USA) to represent a wide range of total Cr concentrations (199–3,970 mg/kg) with minimal interference from potentially toxic, cooccurring chemicals. Sediment toxicity was evaluated using two amphipod tests: The 10‐d Ampelisca abdita test (survival as endpoint), and the 28‐d Leptocheirus plumulosus test (survival and biomass as endpoints). Measurable concentrations of AVS were present at eight stations, and nearly all Cr was present as Cr(III). In addition, results of electron‐microprobe analyses showed that most Cr was associated with phases in which Cr has limited bioavailability (i.e., chromite and iron oxide). Sediment toxicity showed no correlation with concentrations of total Cr, and the maximum no‐effect concentration for total Cr was estimated as 1,310 mg/kg. These results indicate that Cr can be present in sediments associated with COPR at highly elevated concentrations without causing sediment toxicity.