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2025 (1 POST)

Lipworth L, Panko JM, Allen BC, Mumma MT, Jiang X, Vincent MJ, Bare JL, Antonijevic T, Vivanco SN, Marano DE, Suh M, Cohen S, Mittal L, Proctor DM. 2025. Lung cancer mortality among aircraft manufacturing workers with long-term, low-level, hexavalent chromium exposure. J Occup Environ Hyg 22(3):214-227; doi: 10.1080/15459624.2024.2439817. PMID: 39773194.

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2024 (2 POSTS)

Eturki M, Davis KG, Vincent M, Arnold SF, Maier A. 2024. Micro-environmental factors impact breathing zone exposures: A simulated petrochemical manufacturing facility task. Arch Environ Occup Health 79(1):11–22; doi: 10.1080/19338244.2024.2328523. PMID: 38555729.

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Panko J, Mittal L, Franke K, Maberti S, Zollers S, Millison K, et al. 2024. Industry-wide review of potential worker exposure to 1,3-butadiene during chemical manufacturing and processing as a reactant. J Occup Environ Hyg 21(1):13-23; doi: 10.1080/15459624.2023.2264329. PMID: 37788445.

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2023 (2 POSTS)

Ierardi AM, Price S, Parker J. The OEHS professional as a proud ally: Recognizing and controlling common occupational hazards impacting LGBTQ+ workers in the U.S. American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Expo, Phoenix, AZ, 2023.

Costello B, Gauthier A, Harper P, Panko J. The convergence of ESG and Total Worker Health. Platform session at AIHce Exp 2023, Phoenix, AZ, May 2023.

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2022 (3 POSTS)

Racz L. PFAS: How did we get here and where are we going? Keynote address at Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals national meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March 2022.

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Bates C, Russell A, Dotson GS, Vincent M, Lotter J, Maier MA. Establishing OELs for sensory irritants with limited data using predictive and in silico models. Poster presentation P126 at the Society of Toxicology (SOT) Annual Meeting & ToxExpo, San Diego, CA. Toxicologist Late-Breaking Supp. 168(1):17. Abstract 5023. March 2022.

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Racz L. Embracing an Agile and Lean Six Sigma culture for worker health. Presented at Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals National Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, Mar 2022.

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2019 (2 POSTS)

Insley AL, Maskrey JR, Hallett LA, Reid RCD, Hynds ES, Winter C, Panko JM. Occupational survey of airborne metal exposures to welders, metalworkers, and bystanders in small fabrication shops. Poster at American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition, Minneapolis, MN, May 2019.

Insley AL, Maskrey JR, Hallett LA, Reid RCD, Hynds ES, Winter C, Panko JM. 2019. Occupational survey of airborne metal exposures to welders, metalworkers, and bystanders in small fabrication shops. J Occup Environ Hyg 16(6):410–421; doi: 10.1080/15459624.2019.1603389.

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2017 (2 POSTS)

Burns A, Shin J, Unice KM, Gaffney SH, Kreider ML, Gelatt RN, Panko JM. 2017. Combined analysis of job and task benzene air exposures among workers at four US refinery operations. Toxicol Indust Health 33(3):193–210; doi: 10.1177/0748233715619072.

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Finley BL, Glynn ME, Cyrs WD, Beckett EW, Gaffney SH, Monnot AD, Abelmann A, Parker A, Maier MA. Derivation of an occupational exposure limit for diacetyl: A preliminary analysis. Late-breaking poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 56th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2017.

2015 (5 POSTS)

Britt J, James R. 2015. Welding and occupational exposure to manganese fumes and Parkinson’s disease: An evidence-based causation analysis. Presented at Society of Toxicology 54th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2015.

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Ruestow PS, Duke TJ, Finley BL, Pierce JS. 2015. Effects of the NFL’s amendments to the Free Kick rule on injuries during the 2010 and 2011 season. J Occupat Environ Hyg 12(12):875–882.

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Ruestow PS, Pierce JS, Duke TJ, Roberts LJ, Finley BL. Evaluation of the impact of the “Restraining Line Rule” on the incidence of total and head injuries occurring during NFL kickoffs. Poster presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), 2015.

Gaffney SH, Abelmann A, Pierce JS, Glynn ME, McCarthy L, Lotter J, Liong M, Henshaw JL, Finley BL. Potential exposure to naturally occurring diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione and respirable dust from roasting and grinding coffee beans in an industrial setting. Podium presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), 2015.

Urban AM, Gaffney SH, McCarthy L, Hollins DM, Abelmann A, Unice K, Liong M, Finley BL, Henshaw JL. Volatile organic compounds released from spreading ground coffee during a simulated industrial task. Poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 54th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2015.

2014 (3 POSTS)

Vivanco S. Protecting the movie industry from lead generated by pyrotechnic effects. Presentation to AMEC Technical Summit, 2014.

Pierce JS, Abelmann A, SpicerLJ, Adams RE, Finley BL. 2014. Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione exposures associated with cigarette smoking: Implications for risk assessment of food and flavoring workers. Crit Rev Toxicol 44(5):420–435; doi: 10.3109/10408444.2014.882292. PMID: 24635357.

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Maier A, Vincent M, Hack E, Nance P, Ball W. 2014. Derivation of an occupational exposure limit for inorganic borates using a weight of evidence approach. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 68(3):424–437.

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