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2007 (3 POSTS)

Williams PRD, Panko JM, Unice KM, Brown JL, Paustenbach DJ. Benzene exposures from petroleum-derived solvents containing trace levels of benzene in occupational settings. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition, June 2007.

Haws LC, Scott LLF, Staskal D, Harris M, Finley B. Evaluation of biomonitoring data for dioxin-like compounds in workers at a primary magnesium production facility. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2007.

2004 (2 POSTS)

Proctor DM, Panko JP, Liebig EW, Paustenbach, DJ. 2004. Estimating historical occupational exposure to airborne hexavalent chromium in a chromate production plant: 1940–1972. J Occup Environ Hyg. 1(11):752–767; doi: 10.1080/15459620490523294.

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Proctor DM, Panko JM, Liebig EW, Paustenbach DJ. 2004. Estimating historical occupational exposure to airborne hexavalent chromium in a chromate production plant: 1940–1972. J Occup Environ Hyg 1(11):752–767; doi: 10.1080/15459620490523294.

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2002 (1 POST)

Hofelt CS, Honeycutt M, McCoy JT, Haws LC. 2001. Development of a metabolism factor for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for use in multipathway risk assessments for hazardous waste combustion facilities. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 33(1):60-65; doi: 10.1006/rtph.2000.1438.

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2000 (1 POST)

Kelsh MA, Kheifets LI, Smith RW. 2000. The impact of work environment, utility and sampling design on occupational exposure summaries. AIHA J 61(2):174–182; doi: 10.1080/15298660008984526.

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1998 (1 POST)

Reeve GR, Pastula S, Rontal R. 1998. A major employer as a health care services laboratory. Int J Qual Health Care 10(6):547–553; doi: 10.1093/intqhc/10.6.547.

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1997 (2 POSTS)

Reeve GR, Pastula ST. The incidence of injuries involving robots in a large manufacturing company. Oral presentation, NIOSH National Occupational Injury Research Symposium, Morgantown, WV, October 1997.

Sorock GS, Smith GS, Reeve GR, Dement J, Stout N, Layne L, Pastula ST. 1997. Three perspectives on work-related injury surveillance systems. Am J Indust Med 32(2):116–128; doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0274(199708)32:2<116::AID-AJIM3>3.0.CO;2-X.

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1994 (1 POST)

Sahl JD, Kelsh MA, Smith RW, Aseltine DA. 1994. Exposure to 60 Hz magnetic fields in the electric utility work environment. Bioelectromag 15(1):21-32; doi: 10.1002/bem.2250150107.

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