Publications : 2024

Mattes RD, Rivera BN, Rutigliani GR, Rogers S, Mendoza ID, Wang L, Beckemeier K, Wikoff D. 2024. A review of low- and no-calorie sweetener safety and weight management efficacy. Nutrition Today 59(6):261-288; doi: 10.1097/NT.0000000000000723.


Low- and no-calorie sweeteners (LNCSs) impart sweetness while providing little or no energy. Their safety and weight management efficacy remain unsettled science that leaves open questions among consumers, researchers, clinicians, and policy makers. The objective of this narrative review is to provide a critical consideration of the safety and efficacy of weight management evidence for LNCSs that have been reviewed/approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and have the highest frequency of use: acesulfame potassium, allulose, aspartame, erythritol, monk fruit, saccharin, stevia, sucralose, and xylitol. Safety assessments by the authoritative bodies for the World Health Organization, European Union, and United States were reviewed. Additionally, emerging topics of interest regarding the safety of these sweeteners commonly cited in the recent literature or highlighted in the media are discussed. Collectively, authoritative assessments and the primary literature support the safety of the sweeteners reviewed herein, with high concordance of safety substantiation across authoritative bodies. Weight management efficacy, measured by various adiposity indices in epidemiological studies, ranges from no effect to a slight positive association. Clinical trials with various mixtures of LNCSs more consistently indicate LNCS use is associated with lower adiposity indices. The latter are ascribed greater evidentiary weight, and recent application of statistical methods to better correct for potential biases in cohort studies reveals they are more consistent with the clinical trial findings. Studies that investigated individual sweeteners were limited but suggestive of differing effects or lack of sufficient data to support any formal conclusions on their efficacy for weight management. Taken together, and consistent with the current 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the evidence indicates LNCS use is safe and may aid weight management.