Martini C, Liu Y, Motti D, Johnson J, McCormick K, Lea I, Fostel F. Integrating assay datasets into Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS). Abstract #1749-P125, Society of Toxicology 58th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2019.
The CEBS database ( catalogues toxicology study metadata and assay result information. Users can use CEBS Search to query the data and resolve results to a single test article page con-taining data from the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and links to non-NTP data submitted by other institutions. Recently, the CEBS team has developed the CEBS NTP Data Collection application (, an application that provides access to collections of assay results for different test articles. The purpose of this application is to permit users to find related information in CEBS quickly, and then link to other related data in CEBS. As an example, the estrogen receptor uterotrophic assay data collection ( contains collated data from different bibliographic sources and provides summary (positive or negative) calls for all test articles, evidence supporting the summary call and study metadata. The data collection contains 458 records representing 118 unique test articles for studies conducted in rat and mouse. Users can access the entire dataset, search, filter, download data, and review results for unique test articles or compare the results for the same test article from different sources. In addition, these data are linked with the CEBS Search test article re-sult pages so that users may easily navigate between the NTP Data Collection elements and other related data in CEBS. Together, the NTP Data Collection and CEBS Search functionalities expand understanding of the toxicological effects of test articles and facilitate easy access to all related data. The NTP Data Collection will be continuously updated with addition of new datasets in the future to support the needs of CEBS users.