2025 (3 POSTS)
Rivera BN, Lea IA, Fitch S, Choksi N, Franzen A , Bus J, Rushton EK, Borghoff SJ . Systematic evaluation of the evidence base on ethyl tert-butyl ether and tert-butyl alcohol for carcinogenic potential in humans: Low concern based on animal cancer studies and mechanistic data. Abstract 4697, Society of Toxicology 64th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 2025.
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Topics: carcinogens , Cumulative Impact Assessment , ETBE , Exposure Assessment , MTBE , TBA
Borghoff SJ, Rivera BN, Fitch S, Buerger A, Choksi N, Franzen A , Bus J, Rushton EK, Lea I . Systematic evaluation of the evidence base on methyl tert-butyl ether for carcinogenic potential in humans; Low concern based on animal cancer studies and mechanistic data. Abstract 4702, Society of Toxicology 64th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 2025.
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Topics: carcinogens , MTBE
Borghoff SJ, Rivera B, Fitch S, Buerger AN, Choksi N, Franzen A, Vincent MJ, Covington T, Bus J, Rushton E, Lea IA . 2025. Systematic evaluation of the evidence base on methyl tert -butyl ether supporting a lack of concern for carcinogenic hazard in human based on animal cancer studies and mechanistic data. Curr Res Toxicol 8:100224; doi: 10.1016/j.crtox.2025.100224 .
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Topics: Cancer , carcinogens , MTBE , risk assessment
2024 (1 POST)
Mattes RD, Rivera BN, Rutigliani GR, Rogers S , Mendoza ID, Wang L, Beckemeier K, Wikoff D . 2024. A review of low- and no-calorie sweetener safety and weight management efficacy. Nutrition Today 59(6):261-288; doi: 10.1097/NT.0000000000000723 .
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Topics: Food science , risk assessment , Toxicology
2023 (2 POSTS)
Henderson RG , Vincent M , Rivera BN , Bonn-Miller MO, Doepker C . 2023. Cannabidiol safety considerations: Development of a potential acceptable daily intake value and recommended upper intake limits for dietary supplement use. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 144:105482; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2023.105482 .
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Topics: Cannabinoid/Industrial Hemp
Rivera BN , Svetlik A, Klaren WD, Wikoff DS, Henderson RG. Scoping review of the immunomodulatory effects of cannabidiol: Effects within T cells. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, March 2023.
Topics: Systematic Review
2022 (2 POSTS)
Rivera BN , Wilson LB, Kim DM, Pande P, Anderson KA, Tilton SC, Tanguay RL. 2022. A comparative multi-system approach to characterizing bioactivity of commonly occurring chemicals. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(7):3829; doi: 10.3390/ijerph19073829 .
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Topics: Exposure Assessment , modeling , Toxicology
Rivera BN, Ghetu C, Rohlman D, Anderson K, Tilton S. A novel framework to develop sufficiently similar mixtures. Society of Toxicology webinar, Risk Assessment and Mixtures Joint Specialty Section Webinar, January 2022.
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Topics: risk assessment , Toxicology
2021 (1 POST)
Rivera BN, Rohlman D, Anderson K, Tilton S. Chemical mixtures: What we know and where the field is headed. Northwest Toxics Community Coalition Virtual Summit, April 2021.
Topics: Toxicology
2020 (5 POSTS)
Chang Y, Huynh CTT, Bastin KM, Rivera BN , Siddens LK, Tilton SC. 2020. Classifying polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by carcinogenic potency using in vitro biosignatures. Toxicol in Vitro 69:104991, doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2020.104991.
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Topics: Toxicology
Rivera BN, Ghetu C, Adams K, Anderson K, Tilton S. A novel approach to forming sufficiently similar mixtures from environmental exposure data. Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists Annual Meeting, Virtual, November 2020.
Topics: Exposure Assessment , Toxicology
Rivera BN, Ghetu C, Rohlman D, Adams K, Anderson K. A comprehensive comparison of indoor vs outdoor air quality across the United States. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, virtual meeting, November 2020.
Topics: Toxicology
Mullen KR, Rivera BN , Tidwell AG, Ivanek R, Anderson KA, Ainsworth DM. 2020. Environmental surveillance and adverse neonatal health outcomes in foals born near unconventional natural gas development activity. Sci Tot Environ 732:138497.
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Topics: Toxicology
Rivera BN, Mullen K, Tidwell L, Ivanek R, Ainsworth D, Tilton S, Anderson K. Time-integrated exposures to identify chemical profiles between health and dysphagic foals. New Frontiers in Dynamic Toxicology, Society of Toxicology Virtual Annual Meeting, March 2020.