2023 (2 POSTS)

Henderson RG, Vincent M, Rivera BN, Bonn-Miller MO, Doepker C. 2023. Cannabidiol safety considerations: Development of a potential acceptable daily intake value and recommended upper intake limits for dietary supplement use. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 144:105482; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2023.105482.

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Rivera BN, Svetlik A, Klaren WD, Wikoff DS, Henderson RG. Scoping review of the immunomodulatory effects of cannabidiol: Effects within T cells. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, March 2023.

2022 (2 POSTS)

Rivera BN, Wilson LB, Kim DM, Pande P, Anderson KA, Tilton SC, Tanguay RL. 2022. A comparative multi-system approach to characterizing bioactivity of commonly occurring chemicals. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(7):3829; doi: 10.3390/ijerph19073829.

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Rivera BN, Ghetu C, Rohlman D, Anderson K, Tilton S. A novel framework to develop sufficiently similar mixtures. Society of Toxicology webinar, Risk Assessment and Mixtures Joint Specialty Section Webinar, January 2022.

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2021 (1 POST)

Rivera BN, Rohlman D, Anderson K, Tilton S. Chemical mixtures: What we know and where the field is headed. Northwest Toxics Community Coalition Virtual Summit, April 2021.

2020 (5 POSTS)

Chang Y, Huynh CTT, Bastin KM, Rivera BN, Siddens LK, Tilton SC. 2020. Classifying polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by carcinogenic potency using in vitro biosignatures. Toxicol in Vitro 69:104991, doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2020.104991.

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Rivera BN, Ghetu C, Adams K, Anderson K, Tilton S. A novel approach to forming sufficiently similar mixtures from environmental exposure data. Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists Annual Meeting, Virtual, November 2020.

Rivera BN, Ghetu C, Rohlman D, Adams K, Anderson K. A comprehensive comparison of indoor vs outdoor air quality across the United States. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, virtual meeting, November 2020.

Mullen KR, Rivera BN, Tidwell AG, Ivanek R, Anderson KA, Ainsworth DM. 2020. Environmental surveillance and adverse neonatal health outcomes in foals born near unconventional natural gas development activity. Sci Tot Environ 732:138497.

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Rivera BN, Mullen K, Tidwell L, Ivanek R, Ainsworth D, Tilton S, Anderson K. Time-integrated exposures to identify chemical profiles between health and dysphagic foals. New Frontiers in Dynamic Toxicology, Society of Toxicology Virtual Annual Meeting, March 2020.