2025 (1 POST)

Pastula ST, Bylsma LC, Rege SV, Lewis RJ, Movva N. 2025. Scoping review of indices to measure a community’s health status. Popul Health Manag 28(1):37-49; doi: 10.1089/pop.2024.0138. PMID: 39558762.

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2022 (1 POST)

Frankenfeld CL, Cleaveland C. Among working and not working Latinos in the United States, food insufficiency and difficulty with expenses associated with adverse mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented to Society for Epidemiologic Research, 2022 (poster session award winner).

2021 (2 POSTS)

Russell A, Fromewick J, Macdonald B, Kimmel S, Franke K, Leach K, Foley K. 2021. Drivers of scope of practice in family medicine: A conceptual model. Ann Fam Med 19(3):217–223; doi: 10.1370/afm.2669; PMID: 34180841.

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Frankenfeld CL, Hakes JK, Leslie TF. 2021. All-cause mortality and residential racial and ethnic segregation and composition as experienced differently by individual-level race, ethnicity, and gender: Mortality disparities in American communities data. Ann Epidemiol 65(Jan):38-45; doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2021.10.008.

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2019 (1 POST)

Scott PK, Abramson MM, Bare JL, Barlow CA. 2019. Air dispersion modeling for historical community exposure reconstruction: An evaluation of the approach and its uncertainties. EM-Mag Environ Mgrs January.

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2018 (1 POST)

Frankenfeld CL, Hakes J, Leslie TF. All-cause mortality is associated with racial diversity, and black race composition and segregation: Mortality disparities in American communities data. Poster presentation to American College of Epidemiology, 2018.

2016 (1 POST)

Maskrey JR, Insley A, Hynds ES, Panko JM. 2016. Air monitoring of volatile organic compounds at relevant receptors during hydraulic fracturing operations in Washington County, Pennsylvania. Environ Monit Assess 188(7):410; doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5410-4.

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2012 (1 POST)

Hitchcock KM, Panko JM, Scott PK, Unice KM, Shay EC. Responding to community concerns surrounding hydraulic fracturing activities near a school. SETAC North America 33rd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 2012.

2010 (1 POST)

Haws L. Biomonitoring – A tool for assessing community exposures to air toxics. Presented at the Air Quality 2010 Conference, University of Texas School of Law, November 2010.

2007 (1 POST)

Smith JD, Perry C, Garcia S. Jenkins A, Dwyer M, Garrahan K. Emergency Consequence Assessment Tool (ECAT) for USEPA NHSRC. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, December 2007.

2000 (1 POST)

Grant RL, Morrill D, Manis D, Tachovsky A, Haws LC. The Texas combustion project: Review of trial burn/risk burn plans and reports. International Conference on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies, Portland, OR, May 2000.

1996 (2 POSTS)

Lund LG, Haws LC, McCoy JT, Carlisle LC, Brymer D, Thompson D, Wiersema JM. 1996. Addressing community concerns about industrial emissions and burning of hazardous waste in cement kilns: A summary of environmental data. Air and Waste Management Association Specialty Conference. Waste Combustion in Boilers and Industrial Furnaces. March 25-26, 1996. Kansas City, MO.

McCoy JT, Haws LC, Carlisle LC, Wiersema JM, Carmichael D, Mgebroff S. Soil sampling and analysis for PCDDs/PCDFs downwind of combustion sources in six Texas communities. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, 1996.