2016 (1 POST)

Dugas MB, Wamelink CN, Killius AM, Richards-Zawacki CL. 2016. Parental care is beneficial for offspring, costly for mothers, and limited by family size in an egg-feeding frog. Behav Ecol 27(2):476–483, doi: 10.1093/beheco/arv173.

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2015 (1 POST)

Dugas MB, Halbrook SR, Killius AM, del Sol JF, Richards-Zawacki CL. 2015. Colour and escape behaviour in polymorphic populations of an aposematic poison frog. Ethology 121(8):813–822.

View Abstract

2014 (1 POST)

Killius AM, Dugas MB. 2014. Tadpole transport by male Oophaga pumilio (anura: Dendrobatidae): An observation and brief review. Herpetol Notes 7:747–749.