2007 (9 POSTS)
Choksi NY , Haseman JK, Truax JF, Charles JM, Wnorowski G, Merkel D, Stokes WS. Effect of topical anesthetic pretreatment on in vivo ocular irritation hazard classification. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology 45th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Haws LC , Scott LLF, Staskal DF , Harris MA , Finley BL . Dioxin-like compounds in workers at a primary magnesium production facility. Dioxin 2007, Tokyo, Japan, 2007.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Staskal DF , Scott LLF, Williams ES, Luksemburg WJ, Haws LC , Birnbaum LS, Nguyen LM, Paustenbach DJ, Harris MA . Daily intake estimates of PBDEs associated with consumption of catfish in the U.S. Presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Brominated Flame Retardants, April 24-27, 2007, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Staskal DF , Donovan E, Roberts J, Unice K, Finley B , Harris M . Human health risk associated with exposure to pathogen-contaminated sediments. Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, 2007.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Williams ES, Ferriby LL, Haws LC, Paustenbach DJ, Harris MA . 2007. Assessment of potential human health risks posed by benzene in a commercial beverage. Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
2006 (6 POSTS)
Staskal DF , Diliberto JJ, Birnbaum LS. 2006. Impact of repeated exposure on the toxicokinetics of BDE 47 in mice. Toxicol Sci 89(2):380-5; doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfj038 .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Paustenbach DJ, Gaffney SA, Scott PK, Brown JL, Panko JM . High background levels of urinary benzene metabolites found in volunteer study. Society of Toxicology 45th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2006.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Panko JM , Shay EC. Potential for airborne dispersion of bromadiolone and exposure in an office setting. International Society for Exposure Assessment Conference, 2006.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Panko JM , Unice KM, Shay EC, Price P. Assessment of children’s exposures to xylenes. International Society for Exposure Assessment Conference, 2006.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Panko JM , Unice KM, Shay EC, Javier AF. Assessment of children’s exposures to benzene. Society for Risk Analysis, December 2006.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Haws LC , DeVito MJ, Birnbaum LS, Walker NJ, Scott PK, Unice KM, Harris MA , Farland WH, Finley BL , Staskal DF . An alternative method for establishing TEFs for dioxin-like compounds. Part 2. Development of an approach to quantitatively weight the underlying potency data. Dioxin 2006 , Oslo, Norway, 2006.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
2005 (5 POSTS)
Connor K, Harris M, Edwards M, Chu A, Clark G, Finley B . Estimating the total TEQ in human blood from naturally-occurring vs. anthropogenic dioxins: A dietary study. Dioxin 2005, Toronto, Canada, 2005.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Harris M, Finley B . The TCDD TEQ in human blood from naturally-occurring vs. anthropogenic dioxins: A dietary study. Society of Toxicology 44th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2005.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Haws L . Evaluating potential health risks posed by PCDDs, PCDFs, and dioxin-like PCBs: An approach for improving the Toxicity Equivalency Factor (TEF) methodology. 30th Annual Winter Meeting of the Toxicology Forum, Washington, DC, February 2005.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Unice KM, Panko JM , Scott PK. Development of exposure assessment models for indoor air exposure to elemental mercury. International Society for Exposure Assessment Conference, 2005.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Staskal DF , Diliberto JJ, DeVito MJ, Birnbaum LS. 2005. Toxicokinetics of BDE 47 in female mice: Effects of dose, route of exposure, and time. Toxicol Sci. 83(2):215-23; doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfi018 .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
2004 (7 POSTS)
Proctor DM , Panko JP , Liebig EW, Paustenbach, DJ. 2004. Estimating historical occupational exposure to airborne hexavalent chromium in a chromate production plant: 1940–1972. J Occup Environ Hyg. 1(11):752–767; doi: 10.1080/15459620490523294 .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Perry CS, Morton E. Lessons learned from creating integrated Excel models to calculate human health screening values. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, December 2004.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Panko JM , Unice KM, Shay EC, Price P. Childhood exposure assessment of acetone. International Society for Exposure Assessment, 2004.