2023 (1 POST)

Price S, Maddaloni M, Finley B, Thornton S, Unice K. 2023. Extending regulatory biokinetic lead models towards food safety: Evaluation of consumer baby food contribution to infant blood lead levels and variability. Foods 12(14):2732; 103390/foods12142732. PMID: 37509824.

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2007 (2 POSTS)

Harris M, Scott LLF, Nguyen LM, Haws LC. 2007. Trends in elevated blood lead levels of U.S. children and associated demographic characteristics. Ann Epidemiol 17:748.

Nguyen LM, Scott LLF, Harris M, Haws LC. Factors contributing to blood lead levels in U.S. children based on NHANES data. 2007. Ann Epidemiol 17(9):734-735; 10.1016/j.annepidem.2007.07.038.