2008 (12 POSTS)

Covington TR, Gearhart JM, Jakubowski EM, McGuire JM, Evans RA, Hulet SW. Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD) modeling of VX exposure through various routes to multiple species. Poster presented at the Chemical and Biological Defense Physical Science and Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA, November 2008.

Teeguarden JG, Bogdanffy MS, Covington TR, Tan C, Jarabek AM. 2008. A PBPK model for evaluating the impact of aldehyde dehydrogenase polymorphisms on comparative rat and human nasal tissue acetaldehyde dosimetry. Inhal Toxicol 20(4):375–390; doi: 10.1080/08958370801903750.

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Ulrich K, Hincks JS, Walsh R, Caroline Wetterstrand EM, Fidock MD, Sreckovic S, Lamb DJ, Douglas GJ, Yeadon M, Perros-Huguet C, Evans SM. 2008. Anti-inflammatory modulation of chronic airway inflammation in the murise house dust mite model. Pulmon Pharmacol Therapeut 21(4):637–647; doi: 10.1016/j.pupt.2008.02.006.

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Donovan EP, Staskal DF, Unice KM, Roberts JD, Haws LC, Finley BL, HarrisMA. 2008. Risk of gastrointestinal disease associated with exposure to pathogens in the sediments of the Lower Passaic River. Appl Environ Microbiol 74:1004-1018.

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Panko JM, Gaffney SH, Unice KM, Kreider ML, Burns AM, Widner TE, Booher LE, Gelatt GL, Paustenbach DJ. Benzene exposures of refinery workers: Baytown, TX (1978-2006). American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition, June 2008.

Panko JM, Kreider ML, Sweet LI, McAtee BL, Finley BL. Methods for collecting tire wear particles. Paper #40, Fall 174th Technical Meeting of the Rubber Division of the American Chemical Society, Louisville, KY, October 2008.

Gaffney SH, Kreider ML, Unice KM, Burns AM, Paustenbach DJ, Booher LE, Gelatt RH, Panko JM. Benzene exposure in refinery workers (1976-2006). Abstract #864, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology & International Society of Exposure Analysis 2008 Joint Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, October 2008.

Staskal DF, Donovan EP, Haws LC, Roberts JD, Unice KM, Finley BL, Harris MA. Human health risks associated with exposure to pathogens in waters and sediments of the Lower Passaic River. Presented at Society of Toxicology 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2008.

Gearhart JM, Covington TR, Robinson PJ, Whalley CE, McGuire JM, Evans RA, et al. Simulation of VX exposure in multiple species by means of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model. Poster presented at the Bioscience Review Conference, Baltimore, MD, May 2008.

Stokes W, Allen D, Burns T, Choksi N, Matheson, J, Jacobs, Tice, R. Performance characteristics of the local lymph node assay (llna) limit dose procedure. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 2008

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Hinerman J. Crystallographic and small angle scattering studies of the bacteriophage T4 replication complex. Invited presentation to American Crystallographic Association Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, June 2008.

DeSesso JM, Watson RE, Keen CL, Hazelden KP, Haws LC, Li AA. 2008. Analysis and integration of developmental neurotoxicity and ancillary data into risk assessment: A case study of dimethoate. J Toxicol Environ Health A 72(2):94-109; doi: 10.1080/15287390802477452.

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2007 (33 POSTS)

Britt JK, James RC. 2007. Toxicology. In: Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. pp. 201-252.

DeSesso J, Watson RE, Keen CL, Hazleden KP, Haws LC, Li AA. Integration of developmental toxicity data into risk assessment: A case study of dimethoate. Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.

Diliberto JJ, Staskal DF, Hakk H, Birnbaum LS. Differential urinary protein binding of PBDEs in mice. Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.

Dwyer M, Perry C, Jenkins, A. Trichloroethylene toxicity and risks: Recent developments and potential implications. Presented at Texas Association of Environmental Professionals — Environmental Challenges and Innovations Conference, February 2007.

Teeguarden JG, Gearhart J, Clewell HJ III, Covington TR, Nong A, Andersen ME. 2007. Pharmacokinetic modeling of manganese. III. Physiological approaches accounting for background and tracer kinetics. J Toxicol Environ Health A 70:1515–1526.

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Kulpa-Eddy J, Jacobs A, Halder M, Burns T, Choksi N, Allen D, et al. Alternatives to the mouse LD50 assay for botulinum toxin testing: An ICCVAM/NICEATM/ECVAM sponsored workshop. Poster presented at the 6th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, August 2007

Choksi N, Haseman J, Truax J, Wnorowski G, Merkel D, Stokes W. Topical anesthetic pre-treatment in the Draize eye test: Impact on hazard classification. Poster presented at the 6th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, August 2007.

Tice R, Allen D, Choksi N, Truax J, Stokes W. Relationship between adverse ocular effects and their reversibility. Poster presented at the 6th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, August 2007.