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Subramaniam RP, Crump KS, Chen C, White P, Van Landingham C, Fox JF, Schlosser P, Covington TR, et al. The role of mutagenicity in describing formaldehyde-induced carcinogenicity: Possible inferences using the CIIT model. Presentation at the Annual Society for Risk Analysis Conference, Baltimore, MD, December 2006.

Crump KS, Subramaniam R, White P, Chen C, Schlosser P, Van Landingham C, Covington TR, DeVoney D. Consideration of uncertainties in the CIIT model for formaldehyde carcinogenicity in the human respiratory tract. Presentation at the Annual Society for Risk Analysis Conference, Baltimore, MD, December 2006.

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Ferriby LL, Williams ES, Lukesemburg WJ, Paustenbach DJ, Haws LC, Birnbaum LS, Harris M. Comparing polychlorinated biphenyls in farm-raised and wild-caught catfish from southern Mississippi. Dioxin 2006, Oslo, Norway, August 2006.

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Ferriby LL, Williams ES, Lukesemburg WJ, Paustenbach DJ, Haws LC, Birnbaum LS, Harris M. Comparing PCDDs, PCDFs, and dioxin-like PCBs in farm-raised and wild-caught catfish from Southern Mississippi. Dioxin 2006, Oslo, Norway, August 2006.

Ferriby LL, Franke K, Unice KM, Scott P, Haws LC, Harris M, Paustenbach DJ. 2006. Serum reference levels of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs stratified by race/ethnicity, gender and age for the general U.S. population. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition. November 4-8, 2006. Boston, MA.

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Staskal DF, Diliberto JJ, Birnbaum LS. 2006. Impact of repeated exposure on the toxicokinetics of BDE 47 in mice. Toxicol Sci 89(2):380-5; doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfj038.

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Paustenbach DJ, Gaffney SA, Scott PK, Brown JL, Panko JM. High background levels of urinary benzene metabolites found in volunteer study. Society of Toxicology 45th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2006.

Paustenbach DJ, Panko JM, Scott PK, Unice KM. Retrospective modeling of potential residential exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) releases from a manufacturing facility. Society of Toxicology 45th Annual Meeting, 2006.

Panko JM, Shay EC. Potential for airborne dispersion of bromadiolone and exposure in an office setting. International Society for Exposure Assessment Conference, 2006.

Panko JM, Unice KM, Shay EC, Price P. Assessment of children’s exposures to xylenes. International Society for Exposure Assessment Conference, 2006.

Panko JM, Unice KM, Shay EC, Javier AF. Assessment of children’s exposures to benzene. Society for Risk Analysis, December 2006.

Staskal DF, Diliberto JJ, Birnbam LS. 2006. Disposition of BDE 47 in developing mice. Toxicol Sci. 90(2):309-16; doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfj098.

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David RM, Clewell HJ, Gentry PR, Covington TR, Morgott DA, Marino DJ. 2006. Revised assessment of cancer risk to dichloromethane II. Application of probabilistic methods to cancer risk determinations. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 45(1):55–65.

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Marino DJ, Clewell HJ, Gentry PR, Covington TR, Hack CE, David RM, Morgott DA. 2006. Revised assessment of cancer risk to dichloromethane: Part I Bayesian PBPK and dose-response modeling in mice. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 45(1):44–54.

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Degregorio MW, Dingley KH, Wurz GT, Ubick E, Turteltaub KW. 2006. Accelerator mass spectrometry allows for cellular quantification of doxorubicin at femtomolar concentrations. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 57(3):335-342; doi: 10.1007/s00280-005-0060-1. PMID: 16047147.

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Tompkins EM, Farmer PB, Lamb JH, Jukes R, Dingley K, Ubick E, et al. 2006. A novel 14C-postlabeling assay using accelerator mass spectrometry for the detection of O6-methyldeoxy-guanosine adducts. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 20(5):883–891; doi: 10.1002/rcm.2370. PMID: 16470516.

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Borowsky AD, Dingley KH, Ubick E, Turteltaub KW, Cardiff RD, Devere-White R. 2006. Inflammation and atrophy precede prostatic neoplasia in a PhIP-induced rat model. Neoplasia 8(9):708–715; doi: 10.1593/neo.06373. PMID: 16984728.

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