Publications : 2021

Sampedro F. 2021. Risk ranking: Moving towards a risk-based inspection and surveillance system. In: Pérez-Rodríguez, F (ed). Risk Assessment Methods for Biological and Chemical Hazards. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.


This chapter describes the framework and tools risk managers can utilize to conduct risk ranking. Risk ranking approaches are one-size-fits-all, so it is important to consider, at a high level, the type of risk ranking needed to address the objectives of the risk managers. Due to the nature of a risk ranking exercise, such a large investment may be warranted, unless the focus of the ranking exercise is narrowed and previous resources are readily available. The framework to develop a risk-based inspection may be as follows: Identifying food safety risks by the use of objective and scientific risk ranking tools allows countries to be more efficient and optimize resources by targeting inspection and surveillance activities to high-risk food-hazard combinations. Risk ranking tools and extensive literature are available for countries to perform risk ranking exercises. The risk/decision matrix is a qualitative or semi-quantitative tool that considers a wide variety of both qualitative and semi-quantitative data to rank risks.