1994 (2 POSTS)
Haws L . Keynote Address. Presented at the DRE Environmental Services Workshop on EPA’s New Policy of Hazardous Waste Combustion, Austin, TX, January 1994.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Rish W . 1994. SEC initiatives in environmental disclosure: How can environmental liability be estimated? Ohio Environmental Law Letter 4(6):3–4.
Publication: Manuscripts
1991 (1 POST)
Gillett J, Rish W (eds.). 1991. Risk and exposure assessment from toxic chemicals. Chapter 8 in Human Health Risks from Chemical Exposure: The Great Lakes Ecosystem. Lewis Publishers, CRC Press.
View Abstract
Publication: Book Chapters
1989 (1 POST)
Rish W , Patterson J, Lutkenhoff S. Use of health risk estimates in U.S. EPA: USEPA National Center for Environmental Assessment. Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis. San Francisco, California, 1989.