2014 (3 POSTS)
Pierce JS, Abelmann A, SpicerLJ, Adams RE, Finley BL . 2014. Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione exposures associated with cigarette smoking: Implications for risk assessment of food and flavoring workers. Crit Rev Toxicol 44(5):420–435; doi: 10.3109/10408444.2014.882292 . PMID: 24635357.
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Maier A, Vincent M , Hack E, Nance P, Ball W. 2014. Derivation of an occupational exposure limit for inorganic borates using a weight of evidence approach. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 68(3):424–437.
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Publication: Manuscripts
2013 (3 POSTS)
Kreider ML, Burns AM, DeRose GH, Panko JM . 2013. Protecting workers from risks associated with nanomaterials: Part II — Best practices in risk management. Occup Safety Health 82(9):20–24.
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Kreider ML, Burns AM, DeRose GH, Panko JM . 2013. Protecting workers from risks associated with nanomaterials: Part I — Exposure assessment. Occup Safety Health 82(7):90-1,94. PMID: 23951851.
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Fryzek J, Pastula S , Jiang X , Garabrant DH. 2013. Response to Goldstein et al. J Occup Environ Med 55(11):1378; doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000021 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
2011 (2 POSTS)
Grespin ME, Le MH, Panko JM . Safety data sheet alteration during alignment with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification (GHS) and implications for chemical manufacturers, suppliers and distributors. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, December 2011.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Gaffney SH, Panko JM , Unice KM, Burns AM, Kreider ML, Gelatt RH, Booher LE, Paustenbach DJ. 2011. Occupational exposure to benzene at the ExxonMobil refinery in Baytown, TX (1978-2006). J Exp Sci Environ Epidemiol 21(2):169–185; doi: 10.1038/jes.2009.53 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
2010 (5 POSTS)
Kelsh MA , Alexander DD, Mink PJ, Mandel JH. 2010. Occupational trichloroethylene exposure and kidney cancer: A meta-analysis. Epidemiology 21:95–102.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Fordyce TA, Morimoto L, Coalson J, Kelsh MA , Mezei G. 2010. Neck injuries among electric utility workers, 1995-2007. J Occup Environ Med 52(4): 441–449.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Gaffney SH, Burns AM, Kreider ML, Unice KM, Widner TE, Paustenbach DJ, Booher LE, Gelatt RN, Panko JM . 2010. Occupational exposure to benzene at the ExxonMobil refinery in Beaumont, TX (1976-2007). Int J Hyg Environ Health 213(4):285–301; doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2010.04.004 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Sheehan P, Bogen KT, Hicks J, Goswami E, Brorby G , Lau E, Ott B. 2010. Benzene inhalation of parts washers: New estimates based on measures of occupational exposure to solvent coaromatics. Risk Analysis 30(8):1249–1267; doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2010.01412.x .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Maier A, Kohrman-Vincent M , Parker A, Haber LT. 2010. Evaluation of concentration-response options for diacetyl in support of occupational risk assessment. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 58(2):285–296; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2010.06.011 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
2009 (4 POSTS)
Kelsh MA , Fordyce TA, Lau E, Mink P, Morimoto L, Lu E, et al. 2009. Factors that distinguish serious versus less severe strain and sprain injuries: An analysis of electric utility workers. Am J Ind Med 53(3): 210–220.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Panko JM , Gaffney SH, Kreider ML, Unice KM, Burns AM, Paustenbach DJ, Booher LE, Gelatt RH. Job and task based analysis of benzene air concentrations associated with refinery operations. Benzene 2009: Health Effects and Mechanisms of Bone Marrow Toxicity; Implications for t-AML and the Mode of Action Framework, Munich, Germany, September 2009.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Panko JM , Gaffney SH, Burns AM, Unice KM, Kreider ML, Booher LE, Gelatt RH, Marshall JR, Paustenbach DJ. 2009. Occupational exposure to benzene at the ExxonMobil Refinery at Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1977–2005). J Occup Environ Hyg 6(9):517–529. doi: 10.1080/15459620903044161 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Thompson CM , Grafstrom RC. 2009. Commentary: Mechanistic considerations for associations between formaldehyde exposure and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Environ Health 8:53; doi: 10.1186/1476-069X-8-53 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
2008 (3 POSTS)
Panko JM , Gaffney SH, Unice KM, Kreider ML, Burns AM, Widner TE, Booher LE, Gelatt GL, Paustenbach DJ. Benzene exposures of refinery workers: Baytown, TX (1978-2006). American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition, June 2008.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Gaffney SH, Kreider ML, Unice KM, Burns AM, Paustenbach DJ, Booher LE, Gelatt RH, Panko JM . Benzene exposure in refinery workers (1976-2006). Abstract #864, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology & International Society of Exposure Analysis 2008 Joint Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, October 2008.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
James HR, Barfield L, Britt JK , James RC. 2008. Worker exposure to secondhand smoke: Evaluating a prediction model. Prof Saf Sep:34-44.
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Publication: Manuscripts
2007 (3 POSTS)
Gaffney SH, Widner TE, Paustenbach DJ, Panko JM , Brown JL, Unice KM. Historical benzene exposure reconstruction: Refinery workers at ExxonMobil Refinery, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1978-2005). American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition, June 2007.