2021 (13 POSTS)
Chappell GA, Heintz MM, Borghoff SJ, Doepker CL, Wikoff DS . 2021. Lack of potential carcinogenicity for steviol glycosides — Systematic evaluation and integration of mechanistic data into the totality of evidence. Food Chem Toxicol 150:112045.
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Publication: Manuscripts
2020 (13 POSTS)
Levin-Sparenberg E, Bylsma LC , Lowe K, Sangare L, Fryzek JP, Alexander DD. 2020. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis describing the prevalence of KRAS, NRAS, and BRAF gene mutations in metastatic colorectal cancer. Gastroenterol Res 13(5):184–198; doi: 10.14740/gr1167 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Fryzek J, Suh M, Movva N, Bylsma L . 2020. Protocol: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) testing patterns, RSV burden, and RSV clinical sequalae among infants and children up to 5 years of age living in the United States. PROSPERO CRD42020162991 .
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Publication: Protocol Registrations
Wikoff D , Lewis JR, Erraguntla N, Franzen A , Foreman J. 2020. Facilitation of risk assessment with evidence-based methods — A framework for use of systematic mapping and systematic reviews in determining hazard, developing toxicity values, and characterizing uncertainty. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 118:104790; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2020.104790 . PMID: 33038430.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Suh M , Movva N , Fryzek J, Bylsma L , Rizzo C, Nelson CB. Systematic literature review of historical and current respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) clinical testing policy and practice in the United States. IDWeek Virtual Conference on Infectious Disease, October 2020.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Suh M , Movva N , Fryzek J, Bylsma L , Demont C, Rizzo C, Nelson CB. Systematic literature review of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) burden and RSV clinical sequelae among infants and children up to 5 years of age living in the United States. IDWeek Virtual Conference on Infectious Disease, October 2020.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Whaley P, Aiassa E, Beausoleil C, Beronius A, Bilotta, G, Boobis A, de Vries R, Hanberg A, Hoffman S, Hunt N, Kwiatkowski CF, Lam J, Lipworth S, Martin O, Randall, N, Rhomberg L, Rooney AA, Holger J, Schünemann HJ, Wikoff D , Wolffe T, Halsall C. 2020. Recommendations for the conduct of systematic reviews in toxicology and environmental health research (COSTER). Environ Int 143:105926.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Chappell GA, Wikoff DS , Doepker CL , Borghoff SJ . 2020. Lack of potential carcinogenicity for acesulfame potassium — Systematic evaluation and integration of mechanistic data into the totality of the evidence. Food Chem Toxicol 141(July):111375; doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2020.111375 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Chappell GA, Britt JK , Borghoff, SJ . 2020. Systematic assessment of mechanistic data for FDA-certified food colors and neurodevelopmental processes. Food Chem Toxicol 140:111310 [open access] .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Bylsma LC , Dean R, Lowe K, Sangare L, Alexander D, Fryzek J. The incidence of infusion reactions associated with monoclonal antibody drugs targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of patient and study characteristics. Poster for Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Stalbovskaya V, Wasserman E, Fryzek J, Bylsma LC , Sirulnik A. NRG1 fusion-driven cancers: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Abstract poster presentation at National Organization for Rare Disorders Summit, Virtual, October 2020.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Bylsma LC , Dean R, Lowe K, Sangare L, Alexander D, Fryzek J. The incidence of infusion reactions associated with monoclonal antibody drugs targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of patient and study characteristics. Poster for Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Henderson RG , Franzen A , Franke K , Payne L, Schmitt D , Wikoff D . Creating a literature database for cannabidiol (CBD): Systematic evidence mapping. Poster for Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Stalbovskaya V, Wasserman E, Fryzek J, Bylsma L , Sirulnik A. NRG1 fusion-driven cancers: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Abstract, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, May 2020.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
2019 (14 POSTS)
Wikoff DS , Chappell GA, Fitch S , Doepker CL , Borghoff SJ . 2019. Lack of potential carcinogenicity for aspartame – Systematic evaluation and integration of mechanistic data into the totality of the evidence. Food Chem Toxicol 135:110866.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Chappell GA, Borghoff SJ , Pham L, Doepker CL , Wikoff DS . 2019. Lack of potential carcinogenicity for sucralose — Systematic evaluation and integration of mechanistic data into the totality of the evidence. Food Chem Toxicol 135:110898.
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Publication: Manuscripts
Bylsma LC, Dean R, Lowe K, Sangaré L, Alexander DD, Fryzek JP. 2019. The incidence of infusion reactions associated with monoclonal antibody drugs targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: A systematic literature review and meta‐analysis of patient and study characteristics. Cancer Med 8(12):5800–5809; doi: 10.1002/cam4.2413 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Fitch S , Goyak K, Green M, Grimm F, Wikoff D . 2019. Estrogen-mediated outcomes for alkylphenols via an adverse outcome pathway (AOP) construct. Open Science Framework , August.
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Publication: Protocol Registrations
Fitch S , van de Ligt J, Payne L, Doepker C , Kleinman R, Handu D, Cohen SM, Anyangwe N, Wikoff D . 2019. Systematic map protocol: A systematic map of the use of acceptable daily intake (ADI) as a health-based benchmark in nutrition research studies that consider the safety of low-calorie sweeteners (LCS). Open Science Framework .
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Publication: Protocol Registrations
Wikoff D , Erranguntla N, Lewis J, Foreman J. A fit-for-purpose framework for use of systematic methods in risk assessment. Poster at Evidence Integration in Chemical Assessments: Challenges Faced in Developing and Communicating Human Health Effect Conclusions. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, DC, June 2019.