2018 (59 POSTS)

Kovochich M, Fung ES, Mahoney SL, Unice KM, Fung D, Paustenbach DJ, Finley BL. Characterizing cytotoxic and inflammatory responses to metal-on-metal wear debris from normal versus edge-loading conditions. Poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 57th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, 2018.

Brorby GP. The ongoing controversy surrounding the effects of short-term exposure to trichloroethylene. Presented at the Association for Environmental Health and Sciences Foundation Annual International Conference, San Diego, CA, March 2018.

Pangburn HA, Jarvis JP, Covington TR, Ott DK, Gearhart JM. The impact of genetics on the pharmacokinetics of chemicals in a U.S. Air Force population. Poster presented at the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 2018.

Gearhart JM, Pitts E, Covington TR, Grabinski CM, Yamamoto DP, McKenzie-Smith D, Ott DK, Pangburn HA. Physiological simulation of thermal and chemical stressors in a United States Air Force population. Presentation at the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 2018.

Covington TR, Ott DK, Gearhart JM, Pangburn HA. Development of a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for the virtual high-performance aircraft pilot. Poster presented at the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 2018.

Pecquet AM, Martinez JM, Vincent M, Erraguntla N, Dourson M. 2018. Derivation of a no-significant-risk-level for tetrabromobisphenol A based on a threshold non-mutagenic cancer mode of action. J Appl Toxicol 38(6):862–878, doi: 10.1002/jat.3594.

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Haber LT, Dourson ML, Allen BC, Hertzberg RC, Parker A, Vincent MJ, et al. 2018. Benchmark dose (BMD) modeling: Current practice, issues, and challenges. Crit Rev Toxicol 48(5):387–415; doi: 10.1080/10408444.2018.1430121.

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Choksi N, Daniel A, Lebrun S, Nguyen M, DeGeorge G, Willoughby JA, et al. Performance of the OptiSafe ocular irritation assay in a three-laboratory validation study. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology 57th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 2018.

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Bell SM, Chang X, Wambaugh JF, Allen DG, Bartels M, Brouwer … Choksi N, et al. 2018. In vitro to in vivo extrapolation for high throughput prioritization and decision making. Toxicol In Vitro 47:213–227; doi: 10.1016/j.tiv.2017.11.016.

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Buerger AN, Martyniuk CJ, Bisesi JH. Phthalate disruption of the gastrointestinal microbiome as a potential obesogenic mechanism: A multigenerational study using Danio rerio. Society of Toxicology Meeting, 2018.

Buerger AN, Dillon DT, Martyniuk CJ, Bisesi JH. Host-microbiome alterations in fatty acid metabolism in Danio rerio following dietary phthalate exposure. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry North America Meeting, 2018.

Zhou W, Pal AS, Hsu AY, Gurol T, Zhu X, Wirbisky-Hershberger SE, Freeman JL, Kasinski AL, Deng Q. 2018. MicroRNA-223 supresses the canonical NF-kB pathway basal keratinocytes to dampen neutrophilic inflammation. Cell Reprod 13:1810–1823.

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Wikoff D, Urban JD, Harvey S, Haws LC. 2018. Role of risk of bias in systematic review for chemical risk assessment: A case study in understanding the relationship between congenital heart defects and exposures to trichloroethylene. Int J Toxicol 37(2):125-143; doi: 10.1177/1091581818754330.

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Mihalchik AL, Rogers EN. 2018. Classes of compounds with GI tract toxicity. Chapter 13 in: Gad SC (ed), Toxicology of the Gastrointestinal Tract. CRC Press.

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Doepker C, Franke K, Myers E, Goldberger JJ, Lieberman HR, O’Brien C, Peck J, Tenenbein M, Weaver C, Wikoff D. 2018. Key findings and implications of a recent systematic review of the potential adverse effects of caffeine consumption in healthy adults, pregnant women, adolescents, and children. Nutrients 10:1536, doi: 10.3390/nu10101536.

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Rish W, Pfau EJ. 2018. Bounding analysis of drinking water health risks from a spill of hydraulic fracturing flowback water. Risk Analysis 38(4):724-754; doi: 10.1111/risa.12884.

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2017 (61 POSTS)

Lansita J,  Mease KM, Qiu H, Yednock T, Sankaranarayanan S, Kramer S. 2017. Nonclinical development of ANX005: A humanized anti-Clq antibody for treatment of autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. Int J Toxicol 36(6)449-462; doi: 10.1177/1091581817740873. PMID: 29202623.

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Wirbisky-Hershberger SE, Sanchez OF, Horzmann KA, Thanki D, Yuan C, Freeman JL. 2017. Atrazine exposure decreases the activity of DNMTs, global DNA methylation levels, and dnmt expression. Food Chem Toxicol 109:727–734.

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Rager JE, Auerbach SS, Chappell GA, Martin E, Thompson C, Fry RC. 2017. Benchmark dose modeling estimates of the concentrations of inorganic arsenic that induce changes to the neonatal transcriptome, proteome, and epigenome in a pregnancy cohort. Chem Res Toxicol 30(10):1911-1920; doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.7b00221.

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Sheppard A, Baker E, Bermudez D, Blattner J, Boyd K, O’Neal S, Rahim T, Whittle E. Implementing an alternate testing strategy for assessing skin irritation. Abstract #2734, Society of Toxicology 56th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2017.

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