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Mezei G, Cher D, Kelsh M, Edinboro C, Chapman P, Kavet R. 2005. Occupational magnetic field exposure, cardiovascular disease mortality, and potential confounding by smoking. Ann Epidemiol 15(8):622–629; doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2004.12.013.

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Niple JC, Sahl JD, Kelsh MA, Kavet R. 2005. Equipment grounding affects contact current exposure: A case study of sewing machines. Ann Occup Hyg 49(8):673–682; doi: 10.1093/annhyg/mei031.

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Bauer D, Staskal DF, Diliberto JJ, Birnbaum LS. Disposition of BDE 99 and BDE 153 in female mice. Society of Toxicology 44th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 2005.

Connor K, Harris M, Edwards M, Chu A, Clark G, Finley B. Estimating the total TEQ in human blood from naturally-occurring vs. anthropogenic dioxins: A dietary study. Dioxin 2005, Toronto, Canada, 2005.

Harris M, Finley B. The TCDD TEQ in human blood from naturally-occurring vs. anthropogenic dioxins: A dietary study. Society of Toxicology 44th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2005.

Ulrich K, Stern M, Goddard ME, Williams J, Zhu J, Dewar A, Painter HA, Jeffery PK, Gill DR, Hyde SC, Geddes DM, Takata M, Alton Show EWFW. 2005. Keratinocyte growth factor therapy in murine oleic acid-induced acute lung injury. Lung Cell Molec Physiol 288(6):L1179-92.

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Harris M, Finley B, Scott P. Development of a relative estimate of potency distribution for 2,3,7,8-TCDF. Dioxin 2005, Toronto, Canada, 2005.

Haseman J, Tice RR, Allen DG, Choksi NY, Stokes WS. Estimated under- and over-classification rates for a 1-3 rabbit sequential Draize rabbit eye test. Poster presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 2005.

Allen DG, Blackard BC, Choksi NY, Truax JF, Tice RR, Stokes WS, et al. Proposed reference substances for optimization and validation studies with in vitro ocular test methods. Poster presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 2005.

Allen DG, Blackard BC, Choksi NY, Inhof CJ, Truax JF, Tice RR, Stokes WS. Performance of the Isolated Chicken Eye (ICE) test method in detecting ocular corrosives and severe irritants. Poster presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 2005.

Truax JF, Allen DG, Blackard BC, Choksi NY, Inhof CJ, Tice R, Stokes WS. Performance of the Isolated Rabbit Eye (IRE) test method in detecting ocular corrosives and severe irritants. Poster presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 2005.

Tice RR, Allen DG, Blackard BC, Choksi NY, Inhof CJ, Truax JF, Stokes WS. Performance of the Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test method in detecting ocular corrosives and severe irritants. Poster presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 2005

Choksi NY, Allen DG, Blackard BC, Inhof CJ, Tice RR, Truax JF, Stokes WS. Performance of the Hen’s Egg Test – Chorioallantoic Membrane (HET-CAM) test method in detecting ocular corrosives and severe irritants. Poster presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 2005

Stokes WS, Choksi NY, Allen DG, Truax JF, Tice RR, Eskes C, et al. Mechanisms of chemically-induced ocular injury and recovery: Current understanding and knowledge gaps. Presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 2005.

Stokes WS, Chambers W, Bonner M, Allen DG, Tice RR, Choksi NY, et al. In vivo models of ocular injury and recovery: Current and potential biomarkers to support development and validation of predictive in vitro models. Presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 2005.

Eskes C, Allen DG, Tice RR, Choksi NY, Truax JF, Chambers W, Stokes WS, Schechtman LM. In vitro models for ocular injury: Current and potential biomarkers. Presented at the 5th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Berlin, Germany, August 2005.

Haws L. Evaluating potential health risks posed by PCDDs, PCDFs, and dioxin-like PCBs: An approach for improving the Toxicity Equivalency Factor (TEF) methodology. 30th Annual Winter Meeting of the Toxicology Forum, Washington, DC, February 2005.

Scott PK, Unice KM, Panko JM. Statistical evaluation of metals concentrations as a method for identifying World Trade Center dust. International Society for Exposure Assessment 2005.

Unice KM, Panko JM, Scott PK. Considerations for reconstruction of TCE exposure from groundwater vapor intrusion. International Society for Exposure Assessment Conference, 2005.

Unice KM, Panko JM, Scott PK. Development of exposure assessment models for indoor air exposure to elemental mercury. International Society for Exposure Assessment Conference, 2005.

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