2016 (10 POSTS)

Cyrs WD, Dussex D, Glynn M, Finley BL. Benchmark dose modeling for respiratory irritation from 2,3-pentanedione exposure. Podium presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), 2016.

Paustenbach DJ, Insley AL, Maskrey JR, Bare JL, Unice KM, Conrad VB, Iordanidis L, Reynolds DW, DiNatale KD, Monnot AD. 2016. Analysis of total arsenic content in California wines and comparison to various health risk criteria. Am J Enol Viticult 67(2):179–187; doi: 10.5344/ajev.2015.15041.

Tvermoes BE, Unice KM, Winans B, Kovochich M, Christian WV, Donovan ED, Finley BL, Kimber I, Paustenbach DJ. Evaluation of immune stimulation following exposure to metal particles and ions using the mouse popliteal lymph node assay. Abstract #3896. Poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2016.

Finley BL, Glynn ME, Abelmann A, Pierce JS. Diacetyl exposure and respiratory disease: An evaluation of the current weight of evidence. Abstract #2140. Poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2016.

Burns AM, Finley BL. Potential tremolite exposures associated with talc- containing products. Abstract #2672. Poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 2016.

Haws L. Trichlorethylene exposure and development of fetal cardiac malformations: What do the data tell us about inhalation exposures resulting from vapor intrusion and potential health risks to pregnant women? – Introduction. Presented at the Society of Toxicology’s 55th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 2016.

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Suh M, Crump K, Mittal L, Hirsch S, Valdes Salgado R, Bartlett C, Van Landingham C, Rohr A, Proctor DM. Inhalation cancer risk assessment of hexavalent chromium based on updated mortality for Painesville chromate production workers. Presented at Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 2016.

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Wirbisky SE, Weber GJ, Sepúlveda MS, Lin TL, Jannasch AS, Freeman JL. 2016. An embryonic atrazine exposure results in reproductive dysfunction in adult zebrafish and morphological alterations in their offspring. Sci Rep 6(Feb 19):21337; doi 10.1038/srep21337.

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2015 (11 POSTS)

Strickland J, Zang Q, Paris M, Kleinstreuer N, Lehmann DM, Allen D, Choksi N, et al. Machine learning approaches for predicting human skin sensitization hazard. Poster presented at FutureToxIII, Baltimore, MD, November 2015

Britt J, James R. 2015. Welding and occupational exposure to manganese fumes and Parkinson’s disease: An evidence-based causation analysis. Presented at Society of Toxicology 54th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2015.

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Gauthier AM, Fung M, Panko J, Kingsbury T, Perez AL, Hitchcock K, Ferracini T, Sahmel J, Banducci A, Jacobsen M, Abelmann A, Shay E. 2015. Chemical assessment state of the science: Evaluation of 32 decision-support tools used to screen and prioritize chemicals. Integr Environ Assess Manag 11(2):242–255; doi: 10.1002/ieam.1605.

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Kreider ML, Cyrs WD, Tosiano MA, Panko JM. 2015. Evaluation of quantitative exposure assessment method for nanomaterials in mixed dust environments: Application in tire manufacturing facilities. Ann Occup Hyg 59(9):1122–1134; doi: 10.1093/annhyg/mev052.

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Spicer LJ, Lotter CE, Comerford CE, Abelmann A, Pierce JS, Finley BL. Pilot study of exposures to airborne concentrations of naturally occurring diacetyl during coffee consumption. Poster presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), 2015.

Gaffney SH, Abelmann A, Pierce JS, Glynn ME, McCarthy L, Lotter J, Liong M, Henshaw JL, Finley BL. Potential exposure to naturally occurring diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione and respirable dust from roasting and grinding coffee beans in an industrial setting. Podium presentation at American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), 2015.

Urban AM, Gaffney SH, McCarthy L, Hollins DM, Abelmann A, Unice K, Liong M, Finley BL, Henshaw JL. Volatile organic compounds released from spreading ground coffee during a simulated industrial task. Poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 54th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2015.

Pierce JS, Abelmann A, Lotter J, Comerford C, Keeton K, Finley BL. Characterization of diacetyl exposures associated with the preparation and consumption of unflavored coffee. Poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 54th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2015.

Glynn ME, Adams RE, Beckett EM, Pierce JS, Scott PK, Finley BL. Derivation of a human equivalent concentration for chronic inflammation in the bronchial and bronchiolar epithelium of the lung following inhalation exposure to diacetyl. Poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 54th Annual Meeting, 2015.

Beckett EM, Glynn ME, Adams RE, Pierce JS, Scott PK, Finley BL. Refined derivation of a human equivalent concentration for hyperplasia of bronchiolar epithelium following airborne diacetyl exposure. Poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 54th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2015.

Maier A, Vincent MJ, Parker A, Gadagbui BK, Jayjock M. 2015. A tiered asthma hazard characterization and exposure assessment approach for evaluation of consumer product ingredients. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 73(3):903–913; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2015.09.028.

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2014 (12 POSTS)

Proctor DM, Suh M, Campleman SL, Thompson CM. 2014. Assessment of the mode of action for hexavalent chromium-induced lung cancer following inhalation exposures. Toxicol 325(Nov):160-179; doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2014.08.009.

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