2011 (6 POSTS)
Willems SS, Sheppard AM , Treichel JL, Raabe H, Curren R. An evaluation of the reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) method for predicting skin corrosivity of chemical products with extreme acid pH. World Congress, Canada, 2011.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Gaffney SH, Panko JM , Unice KM, Burns AM, Kreider ML, Gelatt RH, Booher LE, Paustenbach DJ. 2011. Occupational exposure to benzene at the ExxonMobil refinery in Baytown, TX (1978-2006). J Exp Sci Environ Epidemiol 21(2):169–185; doi: 10.1038/jes.2009.53 .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Pierce JS, Abelmann A, SpicerLJ, Adams RE, GlynnME, Neier K, Finley BL , Gaffney SH. 2011. Characterization of formaldehyde exposure resulting from the use of four professional hair straightening products. J Occup Environ Hyg 8(11):686–699; doi: 10.1080/15459624.2011.626259 . PMID: 22035353.
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Franke K , Paustenbach D. 2011. Government and Navy knowledge regarding health hazards of asbestos: A state of the science evaluation (1900 to 1970). Inhal Toxicol 23(S3):1–20; doi: 10.3109/08958378.2011.643417 .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
2010 (7 POSTS)
Haws L . Biomonitoring – A tool for assessing community exposures to air toxics. Presented at the Air Quality 2010 Conference, University of Texas School of Law, November 2010.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Haws L, Tachovsky JA, Staskal-Wikoff D , Aylward L, Burkhalter B, Urban J , Simon T, Harris M. An evaluation of the influence of different soil cleanup levels on the concentration of dioxin-like compounds in human serum. Presented at Dioxin 2010, San Antonio, TX, September 2010.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Gaffney SH, Burns AM, Kreider ML, Unice KM, Widner TE, Paustenbach DJ, Booher LE, Gelatt RN, Panko JM . 2010. Occupational exposure to benzene at the ExxonMobil refinery in Beaumont, TX (1976-2007). Int J Hyg Environ Health 213(4):285–301; doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2010.04.004 .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Sheehan P, Bogen KT, Hicks J, Goswami E, Brorby G , Lau E, Ott B. 2010. Benzene inhalation of parts washers: New estimates based on measures of occupational exposure to solvent coaromatics. Risk Analysis 30(8):1249–1267; doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2010.01412.x .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Dourson M, Kohrman-Vincent M , Allen B, Cain W. 2010. Dose response assessment from effects of acute exposure to methyl isothiocyanate (MITC). Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 58(2):181–188; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2010.04.006 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Alexander DD, Wagner ME . 2010. Benzene exposure and non-Hodgkin lymphoma: A meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies. J Occup Environ Med 52(2):169–189; doi: 10.1097/JOM.0b013e3181cc9cf0 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Urban JD, Tachovsky JA, Haws LC, Wikoff Staskal D , Harris MA. 2010. Response to Mugdan et al.’s comment on Urban et al. “Assessment of Human Health Risks Posed by Consumption of Fish from the Lower Passaic River, New Jersey.” Sci Tot Environ 408(6):1468-1470; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.03.004 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
2009 (4 POSTS)
Urban JD , Tachovsky JA, Staskal DF, Haws LC , Harris MA. Human health risk assessment of consumption of fish from the Lower Passaic River. Presented Society for Toxicology 48th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 2009.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Panko JM , Gaffney SH, Burns AM, Unice KM, Kreider ML, Booher LE, Gelatt RH, Marshall JR, Paustenbach DJ. 2009. Occupational exposure to benzene at the ExxonMobil Refinery at Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1977–2005). J Occup Environ Hyg 6(9):517–529. doi: 10.1080/15459620903044161 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Thompson CM , Sonawane B, Grafström RC. 2009. The ontogeny, distribution and regulation of alcohol dehydrogenase 3: Implications for pulmonary physiology. Drug Metab Disposit 37(8):1565-1571; doi: 10.1124/dmd.109.027904 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
Urban, JD, Tachovsky JA, Staskal DF, Haws LC , Harris MA. 2009. Assessment of human health risks posed by consumption of fish from the Lower Passaic River, New Jersey. Sci Total Environ 408(2):209-224; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2009.03.004
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Publication: Manuscripts
2008 (10 POSTS)
Harris MA , Tachovsky JA , Williams ES, Paustenbach DP, Haws LC . Assessment of the health risks posed by benzene in soft drinks. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 47th Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, March 2008.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Donovan EP, Staskal DF , Unice KM, Roberts JD, Haws LC , Finley BL, Harris MA. 2008. Risk of gastrointestinal disease associated with exposure to pathogens in the sediments of the Lower Passaic River. Appl Environ Microbiol 74:1004-1018.
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Haws LC , Tachovsky JA , Williams ES, Scott LF, Paustenbach D, Harris MA. 2008. Assessment of potential human health risks posed by benzene in beverages. J Food Sci 73(4):T33-T41; doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2008.00730.x .
View Abstract
Publication: Manuscripts
Panko JM , Gaffney SH, Unice KM, Kreider ML, Burns AM, Widner TE, Booher LE, Gelatt GL, Paustenbach DJ. Benzene exposures of refinery workers: Baytown, TX (1978-2006). American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition, June 2008.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
Gaffney SH, Kreider ML, Unice KM, Burns AM, Paustenbach DJ, Booher LE, Gelatt RH, Panko JM . Benzene exposure in refinery workers (1976-2006). Abstract #864, International Society for Environmental Epidemiology & International Society of Exposure Analysis 2008 Joint Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, October 2008.