2018 (63 POSTS)

Frankenfeld CL, Hakes J, Leslie TF. All-cause mortality is associated with racial diversity, and black race composition and segregation: Mortality disparities in American communities data. Poster presentation to American College of Epidemiology, 2018.

Hogan K, Andrina B, Fujii K, Severson D, Beatty B, Frankenfeld CL. Determining differences in indeterminate QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube Test (QFT) results by trimester in pregnant women. Poster presentation to Inova Nursing and Evidence Based Practice Symposium, 2018.

Frankenfeld CL, Leslie TF. Using NVDRS data to examine person-level and geographic-level characteristics associated with racial and ethnic victim-suspect discordance in US homicide deaths. Presentation to Safe States Alliance, 2018.

Frankenfeld CL, Hakes J, Leslie TF. All-cancer and cancer-specific mortality is associated with black race segregation in the United States: Mortality Disparities in American Communities data. American Association for Cancer Research: Poster presentation to The Science of Cancer Health Disparities, 2018.

2017 (49 POSTS)

Sheppard A, Baker E, Bermudez D, Blattner J, Boyd K, O’Neal S, Rahim T, Whittle E. Implementing an alternate testing strategy for assessing skin irritation. Abstract #2734, Society of Toxicology 56th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 2017.

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Sheppard A, Baker E, Bermudez D, Blattner J, Boyd K, O’Neal S, Rahim T, Whittle E. Use of alternative methods to assess skin irritation of chemical mixtures. World Congress for Alternatives to Animal Testing, Seattle, WA, 2017.

Gadupudi GS, Klaren WD, Olivier AK, Klingelhutz AJ, Robertson LW. Diminished phosphorylation of CREB Is a key event in the dysregulation of gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis and fatty acid oxidation in PCB126 hepatotoxicity. Society of Toxicology 56th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, and NIEHS Environmental Health Science FEST, Durham, NC, 2017.

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Iwata Y, Klaren W, Grimm F, Rusyn I. A multidimensional high-throughput approach for toxicity evaluation of environmental chemicals in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells. Society of Toxicology 56th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Md, 2017.

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Ruzin A, Levin-Sparenberg E, Pastula S, Jiang X, Fryzek J, Tovchigrechko A, Lu B, Yu L, Hackett J, Villafana T, Esser MT. Characterization of RSV strains among U.S. patients in the OUTSMART RSV program during 2015-16. Abstract and poster presentation, ID Week 2017, San Diego, CA, October 2017.

Garabrant D, Pastula S. Asbestos and EMP fiber potency analysis. Abstract and oral presentation, Monticello Conference, Charlottesville, VA, October 2017.

Wikoff DS, Rager JE, Harvey S, Haws L, Chappell G, Borghoff S. Development and refinement of a framework for quantitative consideration of study quality and relevance in the evaluation of mechanistic data based on key characteristics of carcinogens. Society of Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA, December 2017.

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Wikoff DS, Welsh BT, Henderson R, Brorby G, Britt J, Myers E, Goldberger J, Lieberman HR, O’Brien C, Doepker C. Application of systematic reviews in the evaluation of caffeine safety: Potential adverse effects of caffeine consumption in healthy adults, pregnant women, adolescents, and children. Society of Risk Analysis Annual Meeting. December 10-14, 2017. Arlington, VA.

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Rish W. Bounding analysis of drinking water health risks from a spill of hydraulic fracturing flowback water. Presented at the Marcellus Shale Coalition Member Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, January 2017.

Young LE, Sacks NC, Cyr PL, Sharma A, Dahdal DH. Rates of hospitalization and repeat procedures in patients receiving sodium picosulfate/magnesium citrate bowel preparation prior to colonoscopy. Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, New Orleans LA, 2017.

Frausto SF, Sacks NC, Cyr PL, Sharma A, Dahdal DH, Brogadir S. Hospitalization for hyponatremia and dehydration in patients receiving sodium picosulfate/magnesium citrate bowel preparation prior to colonoscopy. World Congress of Gastroenterology-ACG 2017, Orlando, FL, October 2017.

Young LE, Sacks NC, Cyr PL, Sharma A, Dahdal DH, Brogadir S. Rates of incomplete and repeat screens in patients receiving sodium picosulfate/magnesium citrate bowel preparation prior to colonoscopy versus other low volume bowel preparations. World Congress of Gastroenterology ACG, 2017.

Wu E, Jensen IS, Cyr PL, Kisner H. Economic model shows that guideline recommended testing of patients with early symptoms of myeloma results in improved patient outcomes and decreased hospital costs. American Society of Hematology, Atlanta GA, 2017.

Jensen IS, Wu E, Cyr PL, Gauden D. Cost-consequence of use of Fluciclovine (F 18) for the diagnosis and staging of recurring prostate cancer. ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, 2017.

Sacks NC, Liu Y, Sanyal A, DeFronzo R, Bhatt DL, Caplan, J… Cyr PL, et al. The economic burden of insulin resistance, obesity, and cardiovascular disease in Medicare beneficiaries 65 years of age and older. American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, Anaheim CA, 2017.

Jensen IS, Wu E, Sacks N, Cyr P, Chung K. 2017. Budget impact analysis of CPX-351 in the treatment of patients with treatment-related acute myeloid leukemia (tAML) or AML with myelodysplasia-related changes (MRC) from a US payer perspective. Blood 130(Sup 1):5615; 10.1182/blood.V130.Suppl_1.5615.5615.

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