2021 (45 POSTS)
East A , Isaacs K, Vallero D. Application of the Residential Population Generator (RPGen) in prediction of exposure outcomes for owners and renters from consumer products using the Combined Human Exposure Model (CHEM). Symposium presented at International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting, Virtual, September 2021; doi: 10.23645/epacomptox.16632319 .
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Topics: consumer products , Exposure Assessment , Toxicology
East A , Brady S, Isaacs K, Vallero D. The role of the Product Use Scheduler (PUS) in determining product use categories (PUCs) for owners and renters in the Combined Human Exposure Model (CHEM). Symposium presented at International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting, virtual, September 2021; doi: 10.23645/epacomptox.16632271 .
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Topics: Exposure Assessment , Toxicology
Fisher H, East A , Vallero D. Estimating longitudinal aggregate exposure — The third module of CHEM: Source to dose. Symposium presented at International Society of Exposure Science Annual Meeting, virtual conference, September 2021; doi: 10.23645/epacomptox.16630675 .
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Topics: Exposure Assessment , Toxicology
Wikoff D, Fitch S, Borghoff S. Case-study applications using evidence-based approaches to assess endocrine activity for risk assessment. Invited speaker (Wikoff): 61st Annual Meeting (virtual) of the Society for Birth Defects Research & Prevention, June 2021.
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Topics: Toxicology
Dougherty C, Friedman BW, Aurora S, Bariahtaris S, Shrewsbury S, Baker-Wagner M, Sacks N , Kautz S, Cyr P . Impact of INP104 on healthcare resource use among patients in STOP 301. Presentation at American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Virtual, April 2021.
Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Dougherty C, Friedman BW, Aurora S, Bariahtaris S, Shrewsbury S, Baker-Wagner M, Sacks N , Kautz S, Cyr P . INP104 reduces self-reported ED and urgent care in patients with episodic migraine. Presentation at Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Annual Meeting, Virtual, April 2021.
Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Sheshadri A, Sacks NC , Healey B, Raza S, Cyr P , Boerner G, Huang HJ. A descriptive analysis of costs and healthcare resource use in patients with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) following lung transplantation. Poster presentation, ISPOR 25th Annual International Meeting, May 2021.
Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Wallace E, Sacks NC , Cyr P , Baker-Wagner M. An observational cohort analysis on the economic impact of chronic kidney disease in patients with fabry disease. Poster presentation, ISPOR Annual International Meeting, Virtual, May 2021.
Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Sacks NC , Healey B, Cyr PL , Slocomb T, James E, Beggs A, Graham RJ. Healthcare resource use and expenditures in patients with x-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM). Poster presentation, ISPOR 25th Annual International Meeting, Orlando, FL, April 2021.
Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Panattoni L, Hernandez J, Liu Y , Sacks NC , Higham R, Stephenson B, Armstrong A. Initial treatment patterns for newly diagnosed, commercially insured patients with psoriasis. Poster presentation, ISPOR, April 2021.
Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Rehorn MR, Sacks NM, Cyr PL , Emden, MR, Sherwood R, Pokorney SD. Rates of catheter ablation for paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in the United States. J Am Coll Cardiol 77 (18-Sup1):330. Poster Contribution, American College of Cardiology, 2021.
Topics: Epidemiology
Chen K, Steiger B, Hoffman C, Kimball S. Environmental, health, and economic benefits of urban greening and cool roofs in India. Presented at the 17th International Conference on Urban Health (virtual meeting), 2021.
Topics: Environmental Science
Sheshadri A, Healey B, Sacks N , Wu E, Cyr P , Boerner G, Huang H. 2021. Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome following lung transplantation: Economic burden by chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) stage. J Heart Lung Trans 40(4-Sup):S70; doi: 10.1016/j.healun.2021.01.1913 .
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Topics: Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR)
Wikoff D. The [acceptable daily intake] for low- and no-calorie sweeteners: Origin, interpretation, and application. Invited speaker: Continuing education webinar, Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences, July 2021.
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Topics: Toxicology
Suh M , Movva N , Bylsma L , Demont C, Rizzo C, Fryzek J, Nelson CB. Systematic literature review (SLR) of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) burden and health care utilization (HCU) among infants in the United States (US). Poster presentation [preview ] at 37th ICPE (International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management), virtual conference, August 2021.
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Topics: Epidemiology , Systematic Review
Rivera BN, Rohlman D, Anderson K, Tilton S. Chemical mixtures: What we know and where the field is headed. Northwest Toxics Community Coalition Virtual Summit, April 2021.
Topics: Toxicology
Broome, C, Patel P, Jiang X , Iglesias-Rodriguez M, Fryzek J. Increased antidepressant use among newly diagnosed patients with cold agglutinin disease compared with other patients in a large US healthcare system. E-poster presentation to European Hematology Association Virtual Congress, June 2021.
Topics: Epidemiology
Broome CM, Patel P, Jiang X , Iglesias-Rodriguez M, Fryzek J. Increased antidepressant use among newly diagnosed patients with cold agglutinin disease compared with other patients in a large US healthcare system. Poster presentation and Abstract EP1180 to European Hematology Association Congress, June 2021.
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Topics: Epidemiology
Vágó EK, Nicholson G, Horváth-Puhó E, Hooda N , Fryzek JP, Su J. Healthcare resource utilization among patients with cold agglutinin disease in Denmark. Poster presentation to European Hematology Association Congress. Abstract EP1193 , June 2021.
Topics: Epidemiology
Gillezeau C, Movva N , Fryzek J, Rabon-Stith K, Brohawn PZ, Gerwen M van, Taioli E. Molecular epidemiology study of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) expression in urothelial bladder cancer (UBC). Poster presentation [preview ] at 37th ICPE (International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Rick Management), virtual conference, August 2021.
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