2023 (39 POSTS)
Li H, Krall JR, Frankenfeld C , Slavin M. 2023. Nutritional intake of riboflavin (vitamin B2) and probable migraine: A cross-sectional analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001-2004. Nutr Neurosci 26(11):1068-1077; doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/1028415X.2022.2126760 .
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Topics: Epidemiology , Food science
Henderson RG , Lefever TW, Heintz MM , Trexler KR, Borghoff SJ , Bonn-Miller MO. 2023. Oral toxicity evaluation of cannabidiol. Food Chem Toxicol 176(June):113786; doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2023.113778 .
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Topics: Cannabinoid/Industrial Hemp , Toxicology
Henderson RG , Welsh BT, Rogers JM , Borghoff SJ , Trexler KR, Bonn-Miller MO, Lefever TW. 2023. Reproductive and developmental toxicity evaluation of cannabidiol. Food Chem Toxicol 176(June):113786; doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2023.113786 .
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Topics: Cannabinoid/Industrial Hemp , Toxicology
Henderson RG , Welsh BT, Trexler KR, Bonn-Miller MO, Lefever TW. 2023. Genotoxicity evaluation of cannabidiol. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 142(August):105425; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2023.105425 .
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Topics: Cannabinoid/Industrial Hemp , Toxicology
Kulpa J, Lefever TW, Trexler KR, Henderson R , MacNair L, Toth ML, Vanapalli SA, Rahman M, Gupta S, Bonn-Miller MO. 2023. Toxicity of cannabigerol (CBG): Examination of long-term toxicity and lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans & 14-day study in Sprague Dawley rats. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res 8(S1); doi: 10.1089/can.2023.0035 .
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Topics: Cannabinoid/Industrial Hemp , Toxicology
Rogers JM, Heintz MM, Thompson CM, Haws LC . 2023. A putative adverse outcome network for neonatal mortality and lower birth weight in rodents: Applicability to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and relevance to human health. Birth Defects Res 115(11)1011-1062; doi: 10.1002/bdr2.2185 .
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Topics: Exposure Assessment , PFAS , Toxicology
Buerger AN , Massarsky A, Russell A, Zoghby N, Hirn C, Mucs D, et al. 2023. Evaluation of chemical grouping workflows for flavor inhalation risk assessment: selected furan moiety-containing chemicals as a case study. Comp Tox 26:100269 .
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Topics: Toxicology
Meek ME, Wikoff D . 2023. The need for good practice in the application of mechanistic constructs in hazard and risk assessment. Toxicol Sci kfad039.
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Topics: Toxicology
Dalvi T, Nørgaard M, Fryzek JP, Movva N , Pedersen L, Hansen HP, et al. 2023. Biomarker expression and survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy in Denmark. PLoS ONE 18(4):e0284037; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0284037 .
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Topics: Cancer , Epidemiology
Thompson CM , Heintz MM , Wolf JC, Cheru R, Haws LC , Cullen JM. 2023. Assessment of mouse liver histopathology following exposure to HFPO-DA with emphasis on understanding mechanisms of hepatocellular death. Toxicol Pathol 51(1–2):4–14; doi: 10.1177/01926233231159078 .
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Topics: Toxicology
Heintz MM , Haws LC , Klaunig JE, Cullen JM, Thompson CM . 2023. Assessment of the mode of action underlying development of liver lesions in mice following oral exposure to HFPO-DA and relevance to humans. Toxicol Sci 192(1):15–29; doi: 10.1093/toxic/kfad004 .
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Topics: Cancer , Toxicology
Thompson CM , Proctor DM , Harris MA. 2023. Letter to “Chepelev et al. Establishing a quantitative framework for regulatory interpretation of genetic toxicity dose–response data: Margin of exposure case study of 48 compounds with both in vivo mutagenicity and carcinogenicity dose–response data.” Environ Mol Mutagen 64(4):259–260; doi: 10.1002/em.22537 .
Topics: Hexavalent Chromium , Toxicology
Sterner TR, Covington TR , Mattie DR. 2023. Complex mixtures: Array PBPK modeling of jet fuel components. Toxics 11:187. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics11020187 .
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Topics: Toxicology
East A , Dawson DE, Brady S, Vallero DA, Tornero-Velez R. 2023. A scoping assessment of implemented toxicokinetic models of per- and polyfluoro-alkyl substances, with a focus on one-compartment models. Toxics 11(2):163; doi: 10.3390/toxics11020163 .
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Topics: modeling , PFAS , Toxicology
Grover A, Sankaranarayanan S, Mathur V, Suri P, Qiu H, Andrews-Zwilling Y, Mease K , Taylor LK, Cahir-McFarland E, Keswani S, Yednock T. 2023. Pharmacokinetic and target engagement measures of ANX007, an anti-C1q antibody fragment, following intravitreal administration in nonhuman primates. Invest Opthalmol Visual Sci 64(2)3; 10.1167/iovs.64.2.3 .
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Topics: pharmacokinetics , Toxicology
Borghoff SJ , Cohen SS, Jiang X , Lea IA , Klaren WD , Chappell GA, Britt JK , Rivera BN , Choksi NY , Wikoff DS . 2023. Updated systematic assessment of human, animal and mechanistic evidence demonstrates lack of human carcinogenicity with consumption of aspartame. Food Chem Toxicol 172:113549, online ahead of print .
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Topics: Systematic Review , Toxicology
Godínez-Oviedo A, Sampedro F , Bowman JP, Garcés-Vega FJ, Hernández-Iturriaga M. 2023. Genotypic and phenotypic quantitative microbial risk assessment model of human salmonellosis related to the consumption of chicken meat in the central region of Mexico. Food Res Int 162(A):111901, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2022.111901 .
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Topics: Toxicology
Bullano M, Cool C, Schultz BG, Durgapal S, Sacks N , Liu Y , Kee R, Batt K. 2023. Evaluating the financial impact of utilizing recombinant porcine factor VIII or recombinant DVIIa for patients with acquired hemophilia A. Expert Rev Phamacoecon Outcome Res 23(2):225-230; doi: 10.1080/14737167.2023.2160705.
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Topics: Epidemiology
2022 (59 POSTS)
Doepker C, Movva N, Cohen SS, Wikoff DS . 2022. Benefit-risk of coffee consumption and all-cause mortality: A systematic review and disability adjusted life year analysis. Food Chem Toxicol 170(Dec):113472; doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2022.113472 .
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