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Topics: Epidemiology
Frankenfeld CL , Maskarinec G, Franke AA. 2022. Metabolomics profiles of premenopausal women are different based on O-desmethylangolensin metabotype. Brit J Nutr 128:1490–1498, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0007114521004463 .
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Topics: Epidemiology
Frankenfeld CL . 2022. Fecal metabolome: New addition to the toolbox for dietary assessment? J Nutr 152(12):2643–2644, https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxac233 .
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Topics: Epidemiology
Elbeddini A, Tayefehchamani Y, Davey M, Gallinger J, Hooda N , Aly A, Erickson D, Lee S. 2021. Fournier’s gangrene with dapagliflozin in a rural hospital: A case report. BMJ Case Rep 14(2):e237784; doi: 10.1136/bcr-2020-237784 .
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Topics: Epidemiology
Anneberg M, Svane HML, Fryzek J, Nicholson G, White JB, Edris B, Smith LM, Hooda N , Petersen MM, Baad-Hansen T, Keller JØ, Jørgensen PH, Pedersen AB. 2022. The epidemiology of desmoid tumors in Denmark. Cancer Epidemiol 77(April):102114; doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2022.102114 .
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Topics: Epidemiology
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Topics: Cancer , carcinogens , Toxicology
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Topics: Toxicology
2021 (58 POSTS)
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Topics: Epidemiology
Röth A, Fryzek J, Jiang X , Reichert H , Patel P, Su J, Morales Arias J, Broome CM. 2021. Complement-mediated hemolysis persists year round in patients with cold agglutinin disease. Transfusion [online] 1–9; doi: 10.1111/trf.16745.
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Topics: Epidemiology
Franke K , Payne L, Franzen A , Wikoff D , Henderson R . 2021. Cannabidiol literature scoping review protocol. Center for Open Science, OSFHOME (May 20).
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