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Kerger BD, Tvermoes BE, Unice KM, Finley BL, Paustenbach DJ, Galbraith DA. 2013. Cobalt speciation assay for human serum, Part II. Method validation in a study of human volunteers ingesting cobalt (II) chloride dietary supplement for 90 days. Toxicol Environ Chem 95(4):709–718; doi: 10.1080/02772248.2013.792559.

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Kerger BD, Gerads R, Gurleyuk H, Thuett KA, Finley BL, Paustenbach DJ. 2013. Cobalt speciation assay for human serum, Part I. Method for measuring large and small molecular cobalt and protein-binding capacity using size exclusion chromatography with inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy detection. Toxicol Environ Chem 95(4):687–708; doi: 10.1080/02772248.2013.793444.

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Finley BL, Unice KM, Kerger BD, Otani JM, Paustenbach DJ, Galbraith DA, Tvermoes BE. 2013. 31-day study of cobalt (II) chloride ingestion in humans: Pharmacokinetics and clinical effects. J Toxicol Environ Health A, 76:1210–1224; doi: 10.1080/15287394.2013.848391. PMID: 24283372.

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