Thompson CM , Bichteler A, Rager JE, Suh M , Proctor DM , Haws LC , Harris MA. 2016. Comparison of in vivo genotoxic and carcinogenic potency to augment mode of action analysis: Case study with hexavalent chromium. Mut Res/Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen 800-801(April):28-34; doi: 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2016.01.008 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
Cui Y, Li J, Weng L, Wirbisky SE , Freeman JL, Liu J, Liu Q, Yuan X, Irudayaraj J. 2016. Regulatory landscape and clinical implication of MBD3 in human malignant glioma. Oncotarget 7(49):81698–81714; doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.13173 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer , Environmental Science
Wirbisky SE , Weber GJ, Schlotman KE, Sepúlveda MS, Freeman JL. 2016. Embryonic atrazine exposure alters zebrafish and human miRNAs associated with angiogenesis, cancer, and neurodevelopment. Food Chem Toxicol 98:25–33.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Toxicology
Wikoff D, Suh M, Harvey S, Proctor D , Beretvas T, Goodman M, Lipworth L. 2016. Systematic review and meta-analysis of occupational exposure to Cr(VI) and stomach cancer. PROSPERO 2016:CRD42016051625 Available from
Publication: Protocol Registrations
/ Topics: Hexavalent Chromium , Systematic Review
Thompson CM , Rager JE, Suh M , Ring CL, Proctor DM , Haws LC , Fry RC, Harris MA. 2016. Transcriptomic responses in the oral cavity of F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice following exposure to Cr(VI): Implications for risk assessment. Environ Molec Mutagen 57:706-716.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
LaPlaca SB , Scott GI. Assessing potential endocrine disruption in largemouth bass from a PCB-contaminated reservoir in South Carolina. Poster presentation at the 37th annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, North America Chapter, Orlando, FL, November 2016.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Toxicology
De Flora S, Camoirano A, Micale RT, La Maestra S, Savarino V, Zentilin P, Marabotto E, Suh M , Proctor DM . 2016. Reduction of hexavalent chromium by fasted and fed human gastric fluid. I. Chemical reduction and mitigation of mutagenicity. Toxicol Appl Pharmaco l 306(Sept 1):113-119; doi: 10.1016/j.taap.2016.07.004 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: chromium , Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
Rager J, Thompson C, Auerbach S, Fry R. Integrating genomic and epigenomic data into risk assessment applications through dose response modeling: Case study with prenatal arsenic exposure. Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society, Kansas City, KS, September 2016.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: arsenic
Borghoff SJ , Ring C, Banton M, Leavens TL. 2016. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for ethyl tertiary-butyl ether and tertiary-butyl alcohol in rats: Contribution of binding to a2u-globulin in male rats and high-exposure nonlinear kinetics to toxicity and cancer outcomes. J Appl Toxicol , DOI 10.1002/jat.3412
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Toxicology
Ulrich K . Adversity and risk assessment of respiratory tract findings — A regulatory perspective. Presentation to the 31st Annual Meeting of the British Society of Toxicological Pathology (BSTP) — Association of Inhalation Toxicologists Joint Conference, Alderley Edge, Cheshire, UK, 2016.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: risk assessment , Toxicology
Wirbisky SE , Sepúlveda MS, Weber GJ, Jannasch AS, Horzmann KA, Freeman JL. 2016. Embryonic atrazine exposure elicits alterations in genes associated with neuroendocrine function in adult male zebrafish. Toxicol Sci 153:149–164.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Toxicology
Bi P, Yue F, Karki A, Castro B, Wirbisky SE , Wang C, … Kuang, S. 2016. Notch activation drives adipocyte dedifferentiation and tumorigenic transformation in mice. J Exp Med 213(10):2019–2037.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Toxicology
Bi P, Yue F, Sato Y, Wirbisky S , Liu W, Shan T, Wen Y, Zhou D, Freeman J, Kuang S. 2016. Stage-specific effects of notch activation during skeletal myogenesis. Elife 5:e17355.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Toxicology
Garabrant DH, Alexander DD, Miller PE, Fryzek JP, Boffetta P, Teta MJ, … Kelsh MA , et al. 2016. Mesothelioma among motor vehicle mechanics: An updated review and meta-analysis. Ann Occup Hyg 60(1):8–26.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer , Epidemiology
Lowe KA, Danese MD, Gleeson ML, Langeberg WJ, Kelsh MA . 2016. Racial and ethnic variability in the prevalence and incidence of comorbidities associated with gastric cancer in the United States. J Gastrointest Cancer 47(2):168–181. doi: 10.1007/s12029-016-9809-5 .
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Cancer , Epidemiology
Hummel HD, Topp MS, Chang ET, Chia VM, Kelsh MA , Doemland ML, et al. 2016. Adverse events in adults with relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL): A literature review of recent clinical trials. J Leuk 4:1
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer , Epidemiology
Erichsen R, Kelsh MA , Oliner KS, Nielsen KB, Frøslev T, Lænkholm AV, et al. 2016. Prognostic impact of tumor MET expression among patients with stage IV gastric cancer: A Danish cohort study. Annals of Epidemiol 26(7): 500–503.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer , Epidemiology
Gökbuget N, Dombret H, Ribera JM, Fielding AK, Advani A, Bassan R, … Kelsh M , et al. 2016. International reference analysis of outcomes in adults with B-precursor Ph-negative relapsed/refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Haematologica . 101(12):1524–1533. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2016.144311.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer
Gökbuget N, Kelsh M , Chia V, Advani A, Bassan R, Dombret H, et al. 2016. Blinatumomab vs historical standard therapy of adult relapsed/refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood Cancer J 6(9):e473.
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer
Mackay CE, Vivanco SN , Yeboah G, Vercellone J. 2016. Assessment of dermal hazard from acid burns with fire retardant garments in a full-size simulation of an engulfment flash fire. Burns 42(6):1350–1356; doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2016.04.012 .
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