2014 (41 POSTS)

Delorit JD, Racz L. 2014. Evaluation of activated sludge for biodegradation of propylene glycol as an aircraft deicing fluid. Water Environ Res 86(4):366–371; doi: 10.2175/106143013X13807328848171.

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King ST, Sylvander M, Kheperu M, Racz L, Harper WF. 2014. Detecting recalcitrant organic chemicals in water with microbial fuel cells and artificial neural networks. Sci Tot Environ 497–498(Nov):527–533; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.07.108.

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Tran T, Racz L, Grimaila MR, Miller M, Harper WF Jr. 2014. Comparison of continuous versus pulsed ultraviolet light emitting diode use for the inactivation of Bacillus globigii spores. Water Sci Technol 70(9):1473–1480; doi: 10.2166/wst.2014.395.

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Schlotman KE, Wirbisky SE, Freeman JL. 2014. An epigenetic look at atrazine toxicity: An analysis of microRNA-126 expression in developing zebrafish exposed to the herbicide atrazine. J Purdue Undergrad Res 4(8):48-57; doi: 10.5703/jpur.04.1.07.

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Wirbisky SE, Freeman JL. 2014. Using zebrafish to define mechanisms of lead (Pb) developmental neurotoxicity. Chapter 11 in: Lessman CA, Carver EA (eds), Zebrafish: Topics in Reproduction, Toxicology, and Development. Nova Science Pub Inc., 225–244.

Juberg DR, Borghoff SJ, Becker RA, Casey W, Hartung T, Holsapple MP, Marty MS, Mihaich EM, Van Der Kraak G, Wade MG and others. 2014. t4 Workshop report — Lessons learned, challenges, and opportunities: The U.S. Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program. Altex 31(1):63-78.

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Gentry R, Clewell H, Greene T, Franzen A, Yager J. 2014. The impact of recent advances in research on arsenic cancer risk assessment. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 69(1):91–104.

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Bhusari S, Malarkey DE, Hong HH, Wang Y, Masinde T, Nolan M, Hooth NJ, Lea IA, Vasconcelos D, Sills RC, Hoenerhoff MJ. 2014. Mutation spectra of Kras and Tp53 in urethral and lung neoplasms in B6C3F1 mice treated with 3,3′,4,4′-tetrachloroazobenzene. Toxicol Pathol 42(3):555–564; doi: 10.1177/0192623313491169.

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Suh M, Troese MJ, Hall DA, Yasso B, Yzenas JJ, Proctor DM. 2014. Evaluation of electric arc furnace-processed steel slag for dermal corrosion, irritation, and sensitization from dermal contact. J Appl Toxicol 34(12):1418-1425; doi: 10.1002/jat.2974.

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Dourson M, Reichard J, Nance P, Burleigh-Flayer H, Parker A, Vincent M, McConnell EE. 2014. Mode of action analysis for liver tumors from oral 1,4-dioxane exposures and evidence-based dose response assessment. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 68(3):387–401.

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Maier A, Vincent M, Hack E, Nance P, Ball W. 2014. Derivation of an occupational exposure limit for inorganic borates using a weight of evidence approach. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 68(3):424–437.

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Maier A, Vincent MJ, Gadagbui B, Patterson J, Beckett W, Dalton P, et al. 2014. Integrating asthma hazard characterization methods for consumer products. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 70(1):37–45.

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Bunch AG, Perry CS, Abraham L, Wikoff DS, Tachovsky JA, Hixon JG, Urban JD, Harris MA, Haws LC. 2014. Evaluation of impact of shale gas operations in the Barnett Shale region on volatile organic compounds in air and potential human health risks. Sci Tot Environ 468-469:832-842; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.08.080

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Suh M, Abraham L, Hixon JG, Proctor D. 2014. The effects of perchlorate, nitrate, and thiocyanate on free thyroxine for potentially sensitive subpopulations of the 2001–2002 and 2007–2008 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. J Expos Sci Epidemiol 24(6):579-587; doi: 10.1038/jes.2013.67.

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Urban JD, Wikoff DS, Bunch ATG, Harris MA, Haws LC. 2014. A review of background dioxin concentrations in urban/suburban and rural soils across the United States: Implications for site assessments and the establishment of soil cleanup levels. Sci Tot Environ 466-467:(Jan 1)586-597; doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07.065.

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Thompson CM, Kirman CR, Proctor DMHaws LCSuh M, Hays S, Hixon JG, Harris MA. 2014. A chronic oral reference dose for hexavalent chromium-induced intestinal cancer. J Appl Toxicol 34:525-536. doi: 10.1002/jat.2907.

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Mahadevan B, Thorsrud BA, Brorby GP, Ferguson HE. 2014. A 3-week dietary safety study of octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA)-modified starch in neonatal farm piglets. Food Chem Toxicol 72(Oct):83-89; doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2014.07.009.

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Suh M, Thompson C, Kirman C, Carakostas M, Haws LC, Harris M, Proctor D. 2014. High concentrations of hexavalent chromium in drinking water alter iron homeostasis in F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice. Food Chem Toxicol 65:381-388; doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2014.01.009.

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2013 (34 POSTS)

MacDonell MM, Haroun LA, Teuschler LK, Rice ER, Hertzberg RC, Butler JP, Chang Y, Clark S, Johns AP, Perry CS, Garcia SS, Jacobi JH, Scofield MA. 2013. Cumulative risk assessment toolbox: Methods and approaches for the practitioner. J Toxicol 2013:310904; doi: 10.1155/2013/310904.

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Kirman CR, Aylward LL, Suh M, Harris MA, Thompson CMHaws LCProctor DM, Lin SS, Parker W, Hays SM. 2013. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for humans orally exposed to chromium. Chem Biol Interact 204(1):13-27. doi:pii: S0009-2797(13)00082-3. 10.1016/j.cbi.2013.04.003.

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