1998 (9 POSTS)

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Reeve GR, Pastula S, Rontal R. 1998. A major employer as a health care services laboratory. Int J Qual Health Care 10(6):547–553.

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Lea IA, Kurth B, O’Rand MG. 1998. Immune response to immunization with sperm antigens in the macaque oviduct. Biol Reprod 58(3):794–800.

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Lea IA, van Lierop MJ, Widgren EE, Grootenhuis A, Wen Y, van Duin M, O’Rand MG. A chimeric sperm peptide induces antibodies and strain-specific reversible infertility in mice. Biol Reprod. 1998 Sep;59(3):527-36. DOI: 10.1095/biolreprod59.3.527

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1997 (11 POSTS)

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Lea IA, Adoyo P, O’Rand MG. 1997. Autoimmunogenicity of the human sperm protein Sp17 in vasectomized men and identification of linear B cell epitopes. Fertil Steril 67(2):355–361.

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O’Rand MG, Lea IA. 1997. Designing an effective immunocontraceptive. J Reprod Immunol 36(1–2):51–59; Review.

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Adoyo PA, Lea IA, Richardson RT, Widgren EE, O’Rand MG. 1997. Sequence and characterization of the sperm protein Sp17 from the baboon. Mol Reprod Dev 47(1):66–71.

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1996 (5 POSTS)

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Lea IA, Richardson RT, Widgren EE, O’Rand MG. 1996. Cloning and sequencing of cDNAs encoding the human sperm protein, Sp17. Biochim Biophys Acta 1307(3):263–266.

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