2020 (49 POSTS)

Sacks NC, Healey B, Cyr PL, Batt K, Henig NR. The economic burden of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) in allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (alloHSCT) patients with Medicare coverage. Poster presentation, ISPOR 25th Annual International Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2020.

Dean R, Arjunji R, Awano H, Igarash A, Tanaka A, Jensen IS, Cyr PL et al. Cost-effectiveness of onasemnogene abeparvocec (ZOLGENSMA) for spinal muscular atrophy type 1 against nusinersen in Japan. ISPOR 25th Annual International Meeting, Orlando FL, 2020.

Sacks NC, Healey B, Cyr PL, Graham R. Economic burden of X-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM) by ventilation status. ISPOR 25th Annual International Meeting, Orlando FL, 2020.

Miller B, Jensen IS, Dean R, Cyr PL, Slocomb T, James E, Beggs AH. Health resource use in patients with x-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM): Data from the RECENSUS Study. ISPOR 25th Annual International Meeting, Orlando FL, 2020.

Miller B, Yao W, Dean R, Jensen I, Cyr PL, Slocomb T. Understanding the impact of XLMTM on parents and caregivers in the US: An analysis of survey results. ISPOR 18th Annual European Meeting, Milan Italy, 2020.

Choksi N, Clippinger AJ, Gehen S, Corvaro M, Kolle SN, Bentley K, et al. Developing a defined approach for eye irritation testing. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, March 2020.

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Bylsma LC, Dean R, Lowe K, Sangare L, Alexander D, Fryzek J. The incidence of infusion reactions associated with monoclonal antibody drugs targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of patient and study characteristics. Poster for Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.

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Stalbovskaya V, Wasserman E, Fryzek J, Bylsma LC, Sirulnik A. NRG1 fusion-driven cancers: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Abstract poster presentation at National Organization for Rare Disorders Summit, Virtual, October 2020.

Haws L (session co-chair). Introduction to “Use of New Approach Methods in Risk Characterization of PFAS: Challenges and Opportunities.” 44th Annual Winter Meeting, the Toxicology Forum, Tysons, VA, January 2020.

Franzen A, Borghoff SJ. An adverse outcome pathway for renal tumors in male rats through chemical induction of aa2u-globuline (a2u) nephropathy (a2u-N). Poster for Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.

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Bylsma LC, Dean R, Lowe K, Sangare L, Alexander D, Fryzek J. The incidence of infusion reactions associated with monoclonal antibody drugs targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor in metastatic colorectal cancer patients: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of patient and study characteristics. Poster for Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.

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Henderson RG, Franzen A, Franke K, Payne L, Schmitt D, Wikoff D. Creating a literature database for cannabidiol (CBD): Systematic evidence mapping. Poster for Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.

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Ring C, Fitch S, Haws L, Harris M, Wikoff D. Quantitative integration of dose-response data for relative potency estimates of dioxin-like chemicals. Poster for Society of Toxicology, Virtual Annual Meeting, 2020.

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Suh M, Verwiel A, Proctor D. Oral and inhalation bioaccessibility of cobalt and nickel in metal alloys: A critical consideration for site-specific human health risk assessments and read across. Poster for Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.

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Thompson CM, Ring C, Pham L, Chappell GA, Haws LC. Assessment of the relevance of toxicological findings in the development of an oral reference dose for GenX. Poster for Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.

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Wikoff D, Franzen A, Chappell G, Harris M, Thompson C. Systematic characterization of hexavalent chromium and potential female reproductive outcomes: Application of US EPA critical appraisal tools and stepwise inclusion of mechanistic data. Poster for Society of Toxicology, Virtual Annual Meeting, 2020.

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Stalbovskaya V, Wasserman E, Fryzek J, Bylsma L, Sirulnik A. NRG1 fusion-driven cancers: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Abstract, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, May 2020.

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Bell S, Mansouri K, Phillips J, Chang X, Abedini J, Karmaus AL, Lea I, Rai R, Allen DG, Casey W, Kleinstreuer NC. NCEATM computational tools and resources supporting alternative test method development and evaluation. Abstract #2976-P607, Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Anaheim CA, March 2020.

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Rivera BN, Mullen K, Tidwell L, Ivanek R, Ainsworth D, Tilton S, Anderson K. Time-integrated exposures to identify chemical profiles between health and dysphagic foals. New Frontiers in Dynamic Toxicology, Society of Toxicology Virtual Annual Meeting, March 2020.

Killius A, Finley BL. Analyzing the effect of pooled samples on interpreting the NHANES dioxin serum data. Virtual poster presentation at Society of Toxicology 59th Annual Meeting, Virtual, 2020.