2012 (36 POSTS)
Thompson CM , Fedorov Y, Brown DD, Suh M , Proctor DM, Kuriakose L, Haws L, Harris MA. 2012. Assessment of Cr(VI)-induced cytotoxicity and genotoxicity using high content analysis. PLoS ONE 7(8):e42720; doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0042720 .
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Topics: Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
Hitchcock KM, Panko JM , Scott PK. 2012. Incorporating chemical footprint reporting into social responsibility reporting. Integr Environ Assess Manag 8(3):386–388; doi: 10.1002/ieam.1288 .
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Topics: Environmental Science
Thompson CM, Hixon JG, Proctor DM, Haws LC, Suh M, Urban JD, Harris MA. 2012. Assessment of genotoxic potential of Cr(VI) in the mouse duodenum: An in silico comparison with mutagenic and nonmutagenic carcinogens across tissues. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 64(1):68-76; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2012.05.019
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Topics: chromium , Cr(VI) MOA Study
Panko JM , Kreider ML, McAtee BL, Marwood C. 2012. Chronic toxicity of tire and road wear particles to water- and sediment-dwelling organisms. Ecotoxicol 22(1):13–21; doi: 10.1007/s10646-012-0998-9 .
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Topics: Environmental Science , tire particles (TRWP) , Toxicology
Kreider ML, Doyle-Eisele M, Russell RG, McDonald JD, Panko JM . 2012. Evaluation of potential for toxicity from subacute inhalation of tire and road wear particles in rats. Inhal Toxicol 24(12):907–917; doi: 10.3109/08958378.2012.730071 .
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Topics: Exposure Assessment , tire particles (TRWP) , Toxicology
Unice KM, Kreider ML, Panko JM . 2012. Use of a deuterated internal standard with pyrolysis-GC/MS dimeric marker analysis to quantify tire tread particles in the environment. Int J Environ Res Pub Health 9(11):4033–4055; doi: 10.3390/ijerph9114033 .
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Topics: tire particles (TRWP) , Toxicology
Phelka AD, Finley BL . 2012. Potential health hazards associated with exposures to asbestos-containing drywall accessory products: A state-of-the-science assessment. Crit Rev Toxicol 42(1):1–27; doi: 10.3109/10408444.2011.613067 . PMID: 22044019.
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Topics: asbestos , Exposure Assessment
Unice KM, Monnot AD, Gaffney SH, Tvermoes BE, Thuett KA, Paustenbach DJ, Finley BL . 2012. Inorganic cobalt supplementation: Prediction of cobalt levels in whole blood and urine using a biokinetic model. Food Chem Toxicol 50(7):2456–2461; doi: 10.106/j.fct.2012.04.009 . PMID: 22538081.
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Topics: cobalt , modeling
Finley BL , Pierce JS, Paustenbach DJ, Scott LLF, Lievense L, Scott PK, Galbraith DA. 2012. Malignant pleural mesothelioma in U.S. automotive mechanics: Reported vs. expected number of cases from 1975-2007. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 64(1):14–116; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2012.05.015 . PMID: 22668748.
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Topics: asbestos , Exposure Assessment
Finley BL , Monnot AD, Gaffney SH, Paustenbach DJ. 2012. Dose-response relationships for blood cobalt concentrations and health effects: A review of the literature and application of a biokinetic model. J Toxicol Environ Health B, 15(8):493–523; doi: 10.1080/10937404.2012.744287 .
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Topics: cobalt , modeling
Knutsen JS, Kerger BD, Finley BL , Paustenbach DJ. 2012. A calibrated human PBPK model for benzene inhalation with urinary bladder and bone marrow compartments. Risk Anal 33 (7):1237–1251; doi: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2012.01927.x . PMID: 23278103.
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Topics: benzene , modeling , Toxicology
Finley BL , Pierce JS, Phelka AD, Adams RE, Paustenbach DJ, Thuett KA, Barlow CA. 2012. Evaluation of tremolite asbestos exposures associated with the use of commercial products. Crit Rev Toxicol 42(2):119–146. doi: 10.3109/10408444.2011.636028 . PMID: 22141364.
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Topics: asbestos , Exposure Assessment , Toxicology
Finley BL , Monnot AD, Paustenbach DJ, Gaffney SH. 2012. Derivation of a chronic reference dose for cobalt. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 64:491–503; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2012.08.022 . PMID: 22982439.
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Topics: cobalt , Toxicology
Fillos D, Scott LLF, Anderle De Sylor M, Grespin M, Luksemburg WJ, Finley B . 2012. PCB concentrations in shrimp from major import markets and the United States. Environ Toxicol Chem 31(5):1063–1071; doi: 10.1002/etc.1803 . PMID: 22407850.
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Topics: Food science , PCBs
Boekelheide K, Blumberg B, Chapin RE, Cote I, Graziano JH, Janesick A, Lane R, Lilycrop K, Myatt L, States JC, Thayer KA, Waalkes MP, Rogers JM . 2012. Predicting later-life outcomes of early-life exposures. Environ Health Perspect 120:1353–1361; doi: 10.1289/ehp.1204934 .
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Topics: Epidemiology , Toxicology
Schugg TT, Erlebacher A, Leibowitz S, Ma L, Muglio LJ, Rando OJ, Rogers JM , Romero R, von Saal FS, Wise LD. 2012. Fetal programming and environmental exposures: Implications for prenatal care and preterm birth. Ann NY Acad Sci 1276(1):37–46; doi: 10.1111/nyas.12003 .
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Topics: Exposure Assessment , Toxicology
Thompson CM , Proctor DM , Suh M , Haws LC , Hebert CD, Mann JF, Shertzer HG, Hixon JG, Harris MA. 2012. Comparison of the effects of hexavalent chromium in the alimentary canal of F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice following exposure in drinking water: Implications for carcinogenic modes of action. Toxicol Sci 125(1):79-90; doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfr280 .
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Topics: carcinogens , Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
Racz L , Muller JG, Goel RK. 2012. Fate of selected estrogens in two laboratory scale sequencing batch reactors fed with different organic carbon sources. Bioresource Technol 110(April):35–41; doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.01.059 .
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Topics: Toxicology
Thompson CM , Proctor DM , Harris MA. 2012. Duodenal GSH/GSSG ratios in mice following oral exposure to Cr(VI). Toxicol Sci 126(1):287-288.
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Topics: Cr(VI) MOA Study , Hexavalent Chromium
Berman DW, Brorby GP , Sheehan PJ, Bogen KT, Holm SE. 2012. More on the dynamics of dust generation: The effects of mixing and sanding chrysotile, calcium carbonate, and other compounds on the characteristics of joint-compound dusts. Ann Occup Hyg 56(7):852-867.
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