2018 (103 POSTS)

Urban J, Wikoff D, Haws L, Fitch S, Ring C, Thompson C, Suh M. 2018. Systematic review protocol: Systematic review and meta-regression to characterize the dose-response relationship between exposure to dioxin-like compounds during sensitive windows of development and reduced sperm count. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1636357.

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Kimzey AL, Piche M-S, Wood M, Weir AB, Lansita J. 2018. 11.19 – Immunophenotyping in drug development. In: Comprehensive Toxicology, 3rd Ed. Vol 11:399–427.

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Brorby G, Ring C, Loko F, Harris MA. Characterization of hexavalent chromium and total chromium in drinking water monitoring data. Poster MP 117. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA, November, 2018.

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Tsaioun K, Dirven H, Beck Færden K, Wikoff D, Ram R, Kleinstreuer N, McCormack A, Wright R, Vist GE, Fitch S. 2018. Systematic reviews of the hepatotoxic effects of specified compounds/drugs as observed in humans and experimental animals (rats, mice, dogs and non-human primates). PROSPERO CRD42018112353.

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LaPlaca SB. Toxicological effects of tire wear particles on mummichogs and fathead minnows. Poster presentation at annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, North America Chapter, Sacramento, CA, November 2018.

Lavelle C, Smith LC, Bisesi JH, Yu F, Silva-Sanchez C, Moraga-Amador D, Buerger AN, et al. 2018. Tissue-based mapping of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) transcriptome and proteome. Front Endocrinol 9:611.

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Suh M, Wikoff D, Harvey S, Mittal L, Lipworth L, Goodman M, Goodmanson A, Ring C, Rohr A, Proctor D. Hexavalent chromium and stomach cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Presented at Joint Annual Meeting of International Society of Exposure Science and International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2018), Ottawa, Canada, August 2018.

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Jensen IS, Wu E, Sacks NC, Cyr PL, Chung KC. 2018. Budget impact analysis of using daunarubicin-cytarabine liposome in patients with newly diagnosed therapy-related AML or AML and myelodysplasia-related changes. Am Health Drug Benefits 11(7):380–386. PMID: 30647825.

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Borghoff SJ, Fitch S, Rager JE, Huggett D. 2018. A hypothesis-driven weight-of-evidence analysis to evaluate potential endocrine activity of perfluorohexanoic acid. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 99(Nov):168–181; doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2018.09.001.

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Ring CL, Suh M, Casteel S, Dunsmore M, Verwiel A, Proctor D. Relative oral bioavailability of cobalt and nickel in residential soil and dust affected by metal grinding operations. Presented at Joint Annual Meeting of International Society of Exposure Science and International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2018), Ottawa, Canada, August 2018.

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Hooda N, McFarlane T, Pasetka M, DeAngelis C. 2018. Investigating guideline-consistent anti-emetic prescribing practices at the Odette Cancer Centre (OCC). Poster for oral presentation seminar “Meet the Future Leaders in Research” at the Ontario Pharmacist Conference, Huntsville, ON, June 2018.

Harrill AH, Borghoff S, Zorrilla L, Blystone C, Kissling GE, Malarkey D, Shockley K, Travlos G, DeVito MJ. 2018. NTP Research Report on baseline characteristics of Diversity Outbred (J:DO) mice relevant to toxicology studies. National Toxicology Program Research Report 6, Research Triangle Park, NC.

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Chowdhary P, Vivanco SN, Kelly C, Leiga A. What’s in your laundry detergent? An evaluation of common surfactants found in laundry detergents and their PBT characteristics. Presentation to Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, November 2018.

Vivanco SN, Chowdhary P, Kelly C. Evaluating Prop 65 exposure to ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane in personal care products. Presentation to Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, November 2018.

Casey WM, Chang X, Allen DG, Ceger PC, Choksi NY, Hsieh JH, et al. 2018. Evaluation and optimization of pharmacokinetic models for in vitro to in vivo extrapolation of estrogenic activity for environmental chemicals. Environ Health Perspect 126(9):97001; doi: 10.1289/EHP1655.

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Wikoff DS, Thompson C, Rager J, Chappell G, Fitch S, Doepker C. 2018. Benefit-risk analysis for foods (BRAFO): Evaluation of exposure to dietary nitrates. Food Chem Toxicol 120:709-723; doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2018.08.031.

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Covington TR, Ott DK, Gearhart JM, Pangburn HA. A physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model to address physiological changes associated with high-performance aircraft flight. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Military Health System Research Symposium, Orlando, FL, August 2018.

Adamovsky O, Buerger AN, Wormington AM, Ector N, Griffitt RJ, Bisesi JH, et al. 2018. The gut microbiome and aquatic toxicology: An emerging concept for environmental health. Environ Toxicol Chem 37(11):2758–2775.

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Moffat I, Martinova N, Seidel C, Thompson CM. 2018. Hexavalent chromium in drinking water. J AWWA 110(5):E22-E35; doi: 10.1002/awwa.1044.

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Benson SM, Maskrey JR, Nembhard M, Panko JM. Characterization of surgical smoke generated from electrocautery instruments: A pilot study. Poster at the 2018 American Occupational Health Conference (AOHC) 103rd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 29 – May 2, 2018.