Williams PRD, Panko JM , Unice KM, Brown JL, Paustenbach DJ. Benzene exposures from petroleum-derived solvents containing trace levels of benzene in occupational settings. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition, June 2007.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: benzene , Exposure Assessment , Occupational , petroleum , Toxicology
Panko JM , Unice KM, Shay EC. Recommendations for developing child-focused exposure assessments based on VCCEP experiences. Society for Risk Analysis, December 2007.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Exposure Assessment , Toxicology
Miller M, Liao Y, Wagner M , Korves C. 2007. HIV, the clustering of sexually transmitted infections, and sex risk among African American women who use drugs. Sexually Transmit Dis 35(7):696-702; doi: 10.1097/OLQ.0b013e31816b1fb8 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Epidemiology
Paustenbach DJ, Panko JM , Scott PK, Unice KM. 2007. A methodology for estimating human exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA): A retrospective exposure assessment of a community (1951-2003). J Toxicol Environ Health A 70(1):28–57; doi: 10.1080/15287390600748815 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Exposure Assessment , PFAS , Toxicology
Scott PK, Unice KM, Williams S, Panko JM . 2007. Statistical evaluation of metal concentrations as a method for identifying World Trade Center dust in buildings. Environ Forens 8(4)301-311; doi: 10.1080/15275920701506615 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Environmental Science , Metals
Paustenbach DJ, Gaffney SH, Scott PK, Brown JL, Panko JM . 2007. Commentary: High background levels of urinary benzene metabolites found in a volunteer study. J Occup Environ Hyg 4(8):D71–D77; doi: 10.1080/15459620701426016 .
Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: benzene , Toxicology
Ferriby LL, Harris MA , Unice KM, Scott PK, Haws LC , Paustenbach DJ. 2007. Development of PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB serum concentration reference values for the general U.S. population using the 2006 WHO TEFs and the 2001-2002 NHANES data. Society of Toxicology, March 25-29, 2007. Charlotte, NC.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: dioxin
Thompson CM , Grafström RC. 2007. Mechanistic considerations for formaldehyde-induced bronchoconstriction involving S-nitrosoglutathione reductase. J Toxicol Environ Health A 71:244–248; doi: 10.1080/15287390701598259 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: formaldehyde
Liebelt EL, Balk SJ, Faber W, Fisher JW, Hughes CL, Lanzkron SM, Lewis KM, Marchetti F, Mehendale HM, Rogers JM , Shad AT, Skalko RG, Stanek EJ. 2007. NTP-CEHR expert panel report on the reproductive and developmental toxicity of hydroxyurea. Birth Defects Res B 80(4):259–366; doi: 10.1002/bdrb.20123 .
Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Toxicology
Harris M , Scott LLF, Nguyen LM, Haws LC . 2007. Trends in elevated blood lead levels of U.S. children and associated demographic characteristics. Ann Epidemiol 17:748.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: lead
Urban JD , Clarke WP, von Zastrow M, Kobilka B, Nichols DE, Weinstein H, Javitch JA, Roth BL, Christopoulos A, Sexton PM, Miller KJ, Spedding M, and Mailman RB. 2007. Functional selectivity and classical concepts of quantitative pharmacology. J Pharmacol Exp Therap 320(1):1-13; doi: 10.1124/jpet.106.104463 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: pharmacology
Harris M , Tachovsky JA , Williams ES, Scott LLF, Nguyen L, Haws LC . 2007. Risks posed by air pollutants in the Houston metropolitan area. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting, December 9-12, 2007. San Antonio, TX.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Environmental Science
Urban JD , Vargas G, von Zastrow M, Mailman RB. 2007. Aripiprazole has functionally selective actions at D2 receptor-mediated signaling pathways. Neuropsychopharmacol 32(1):67-77; doi: 10.1038/sj.npp.1301071 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: drug interactions , Toxicology
Lea IA , Jackson MA, Li X, Bailey S, Peddada SD, Dunnick JK. 2007. Genetic pathways and mutation profiles of human cancers: Site- and exposure-specific patterns. Carcinogenesis 28(9):1851–1858; doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgm176 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: Cancer , Toxicology
Harris M , Haws LC , Tachosvky A, Williams ES, Nguyen LM, Scott LF. Interactive processes in toxicity assessments. Air Toxics Research: Implications of Research on Policies to Protect Public Health. Houston, TX, June 2007.
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: risk assessment
Hack CE, Covington TR , Lawrence G, Shipp AM, Gentry R, Yager J, Clewell, HJ, III. 2007. A pharmacokinetic model of the intracellular dosimetry of inhaled nickel. J Toxicol Environ Health A 70(5):445– 464; doi: 10.1080/15287390600870726 .
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Publication: Manuscripts
/ Topics: nickel , pharmacokinetics , Toxicology
Kaetzel R, Wagner M , Sweeney L, Duggan A, Gargas M, Teta MJ. An evaluation of early-life susceptibility and exposures to ethylene oxide. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007
Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: ethylene oxide , Toxicology
Kulpa-Eddy J, Jacobs AC, Halder M, Burns TA, Choksi NY , Allen DG, Tice RR, Stokes WS. Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM)/National Toxicology Program Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM)/European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) workshop on alternative methods to refine, reduce, and replace the mouse LD50 assay for botulinum toxin testing. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology 46th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.
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Publication: Abstracts and Presentations
/ Topics: Toxicology
Choksi NY , Haseman JK, Truax JF, Charles JM, Wnorowski G, Merkel D, Stokes WS. Effect of topical anesthetic pretreatment on in vivo ocular irritation hazard classification. Poster presented at Society of Toxicology 45th Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, March 2007.
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