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Killius AM, Dugas MB. 2014. Tadpole transport by male Oophaga pumilio (anura: Dendrobatidae): An observation and brief review. Herpetol Notes 7:747–749.

Wikoff D, Thompson C, Perry C, White M, Borghoff S, Fitzgerald L, Haws LC. 2014. Development of toxicity values and exposure estimates for tetrabromobisphenol A [TBBPA]: Application in a margin of exposure assessment. J Appl Toxicol 35(11):1292-1308. doi: 10.1002/jat.3132.

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Fitzgerald L, Wikoff DS. 2014. Persistent organic pollutants. In: Wexler P (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Toxicology, 3rd edition, vol 3. Elsevier, Inc., Academic Press, pp. 820-825.

Borghoff SJ, Hard GC, Poet TS, Davis J, Green S, Hughes B, Mensing T, Sarang SS. Methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) induces an exposure-related increase in measures of a2u-globulin (a2u) nephropath in male but not female F344 rats. Presented at the Society of Toxicology’s 53rd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 2014.

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Haws LC, Thompson C, Perry C, White M, Fitzgerald L, Borghoff S, Wikoff D. Development of non-cancer based toxicity factors and daily dose estimates for TBBPA. Presented at Society of Toxicology 53rd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 2014.

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LaPlaca SB, Tufford DL. Assessing the spatial and temporal aspects of buffer capacity in Lake Wateree, SC. Poster presentation at the South Carolina Water Resources Conference, Columbia, SC, October 2014

Kirman CR, Proctor D, Suh M, Thompson CM, Harris MA, Haws LC, Hays SM. Variation analysis of PBPK model parameters for describing the delivery of Cr(VI) to the small intestines of humans. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 53rd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 2014.

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Hays SM, Kirman CR, Suh M, Proctor DM. Gastric reduction of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] in fed and fasted human stomach samples. Presented at Society of Toxicology 53rd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 2014.

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Proctor DM, Suh M, Campleman SL, Thompson CM. 2014. Assessment of the mode of action for hexavalent chromium-induced lung cancer following inhalation exposures. Toxicol 325(Nov):160-179; doi: 10.1016/j.tox.2014.08.009.

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Vivanco S. Protecting the movie industry from lead generated by pyrotechnic effects. Presentation to AMEC Technical Summit, 2014.

Henderson R, Verougstraete V, Anderson K, Arbildua JJ, Brock TO, Brouwers T, Cappellini D, Delbeke K, et al. Inter-laboratory validation of bioaccessibility testing for metals. Presented at Society of Toxicology 53rd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 2014.

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Johnson GE, Soeteman-Hernandez, Gollapudi BB, Bodger OG, Dearfield KL, RH Heflich, Hixon JG, Lovell DP, MacGregor JT, Pottenger LH, Thompson CMAbraham L, Thybaud V, Tanir JY, Zeiger E, van Benthem J, White PA. 2014. Derivation of point of departure (PoD) estimates in genetic toxicology studies and their potential applications in risk assessment. Environ Molec Mutagen 55(8):609-623; doi: 10.1002/em.21870/em.21870.

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Wirbisky SE, Weber GJ, Lee JW, Cannon JR, Freeman JL. 2014. Novel dose-dependent alterations in excitatory GABA during embryonic development associated with lead (Pb) neurotoxicity. Toxicol Lett 229:1–8.

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Henderson R, Verougstraete V, Anderson K, Arbildua JJ, Brock TO, Brouwers T, Cappellini D, Delbeke K, Herting G, Hixon G, Wallinder IO, Rodriguez PH, Assche FV, Wilrich P, Oller AR. 2014. Interlaboratory validation of bioaccessibility testing for metals. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 70(1):170-181. doi: 10.1016/j.yrtph.2014.06.02.

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Hixon JG, Thompson C, Bichteler A, Abraham L. Smoothing regression splines as the basis for dose-response modeling. Presented at the Society of Toxicology 53rd Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, March 2014.

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Klaren WD, Robertson LW. PCB126-mediated disruption of hepatic metal homeostasis in mice coincides with increased metallothionein expression and appears to be independent of the canonical AhR pathway. Best Poster Award, University of Iowa Research Week, 2014.

Panko JM. Green chemistry: A critical element of sustainable development and product stewardship. Presentation at The American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), San Antonio, TX, June 2014.

Kreider ML, Cyrs WD, Tosiano MA, Panko JM. Method development for nanomaterials exposure assessment in mixed dust environments. Presentation at  American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), San Antonio, TX, May 2014.

Cyrs WD, Tosiano MA, Panko JM, Kreider ML. Use of a novel method to assess exposure to nanoscale carbon black and amorphous silica at two tire manufacturing facilities. Presentation at The American Industrial Hygiene Conference & Exposition (AIHce), San Antonio, TX, June 2014.

Panko JM. Chemical selection tools analysis project and results. Presented at GlobalChem. Global Chemical Regulations Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 2014.

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