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Haws L, Harris M, Su S, Birnbaum L, DeVito M, Farland W, Walker N, Connor K, Santamaria A, Finley B. Development of a refined database of relative potency estimates to facilitate better characterization of variability and uncertainty in the current mammalian TEFs for PCDDs, PDCFs, and dioxin-like PCBs. Dioxin 2004, Berlin, Germany, 2004.

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Haws L, Harris M, Su S, Walker N, Birnbaum L, DeVito M, Farland W, Connor K, Santamaria A, Finley B. A preliminary approach to characterizing variability and uncertainty in the mammalian PCDD/F and PCB TEFs. Dioxin 2004, Berlin, Germany, 2004.

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Proctor DM, Panko JM, Liebig EW, Paustenbach DJ. 2004. Estimating historical occupational exposure to airborne hexavalent chromium in a chromate production plant: 1940–1972. J Occup Environ Hyg 1(11):752–767; doi: 10.1080/15459620490523294.

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Staskal DF, Diliberto JJ, DeVito MJ, Birnbaum LS. Tissue distribution and elimination of BDE 47 in mice following a single oral dose. Dioxin 2004, Berlin, Germany, September 2004.

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Rogers JM, Brannen KC, Barbee BD, Zucker RM, Degitz SJ. 2004. Maternal methanol exposure during gastrulation causes holoprosencephaly, facial dysgenesis and cervical vertebral malformations in C57BL/6J mice. Birth Defects Res B 71(2):80-88; doi: 10.1002/bdrb.20003.

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Degitz SJ, Rogers JM, Zucker RM, Hunter ES III. 2004. Developmental toxicity of methanol: Pathogenesis in CD-1 and C57BL/6J mice exposed in whole embryo culture. Birth Defects Res A 70(4):179–184; doi: 10.1002/bdra.20009.

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Degitz SJ, Zucker RM, Kawanishi CY, Massenburg GS, Rogers JM. 2004. Pathogenesis of methanol-induced craniofacial defects in C57BL/6J mice. Birth Defects Res A 70(4):172–178; doi: 10.1002/bdra.20010.

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