1989 (2 POSTS)
Couture LA , Harris MW, Birnbaum LS. 1989. Developmental toxicity of 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (4-PeCDF) in the Fischer 344 rat. Fund Appl Toxicol 12:358-366; doi: 10.1016/0272-0590(89)90052-3 .
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Topics: dioxin
1988 (3 POSTS)
Birnbaum LS, Couture LA . 1988. Disposition of octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) in male rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 93(1):22-30; doi: 10.1016/0041-008X(88)90022-1 .
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Topics: dioxin , Exposure Assessment , Toxicology
Couture LA , Elwell MR, Birnbaum LS. 1988. Dioxin-like effects observed in male rats following exposure to octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) during a 13-week study. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 93(1):31-46; doi: 10.1016/0041-008X(88)90023-3 .
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Topics: dioxin , Exposure Assessment
Rish W . 1988. Review of studies related to uncertainty in risk analysis. ORNL/TM 10776 (with R.J. Marnicio). Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation Programs, Analysis and Support Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory .
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Topics: Radiation , Toxicology
1985 (2 POSTS)
Rylander LA , Phelps JS, Gandolfi AJ, Brendel K. 1985. In vitro nephrotoxicity: Response of isolated renal tubules to cadmium chloride and dichlorovinylcysteine. In Vitro Toxicol 1(2):111–127.
Topics: Toxicology
Rylander LA , Gandolfi AJ, Brendel K. 1985. Inhibition of organic acid/base transport in isolated rabbit renal tubules by nephrotoxius. In: Alternative Methods in Toxicology Series, Volume 3. In Vitro Toxicol 1(2):235–247.